Hey guys, I'm still okay for the most part. I just thought I would do this random update just to let you all know that I'm still okay, and expain what looks like will be happening over the next few weeks, as during my first update, I had no clue what was going on or what was going to happen. So yeah, things are still pretty scary, but we just have to adjust to these changes for everyone's sake. These really are tough times and we need to ensure we're looking after ourselves and everyone else. Lives literally depend on it. So yeah, this update is going to be serious and probably get heavy in parts, because we need to have a serious talk.

To all who are reading this from all over the world, hang in there. We've got this. We can make it through. The quicker we buckle down and take this seriously, the quicker it will all be over, and the more lives we'll save. We all have each other - at reasonable distance of about 2m that is. Be thankful that this is the information age and that we have the internet, phones and other technology to keep tabs on each other, and that we can quickly spread life-saving information across the world. 2020 will definitely go down as a year to remember to say the least.

As for what I've been up to amidst all this, well, I'm pretty much on the frontline of it all. How I haven't contracted the virus yet, I'm not 100% sure. I guess I've just been super lucky so far as well as the fact I've been washing my hands so much they're now red raw. Especially since there's a lot of stupid people where I live that aren't taking the quarantine rules seriously. To them, I say a very agressive "f#@k you!" I don't even care. When they stop putting people's lives at risk, I'll treat them with respect. This applies to most of the customers I've been having to deal with. Not to mention the criminals that have taken advantage of the situation and have tried to attack me for calling them out on their trashy behaviour.

"Where is everybody?" says Mr. Customer.

"Oh, I dunno," I reply, "maybe at home because we're in the middle of a f#@cking quarantine?!"

Unfortunately I couldn't quite reply like that, but boy, I wish I could've.

The stupidity of some people during this whole ordeal has been rage inducing. Normally, stupidity is harmless for the most part, but this... this is borderline manslaughter. It's not even stupidity at this point. The instructions are clear. Stay at home and only leave for essentials such as food and medicine, or if you work in an essential job. They're horrible, selfish people for choosing to ignore them.

One final rant (I promise), is that once again, can people PLEASE stop pestering me to update? Especially during a time like this. I get it. You're stuck at home, you're bored, or maybe you want something to cheer you up during these depressing times. But did you ever stop and think that I might be one of these essential workers who is having to work hours and hours of overtime because staff are dropping like flies? That I'm under a lot of stress from putting my life at risk? That I'm going through other personal stuff on top of it all? Probably not, because like I said before, the selfish people of the world really show their true colours during times like these.

I'm not going to sugar coat it or put on a brave face. I'm terrified.

This IS terrifying.

If you're not scared, then you're either ignorant of what's truly going on, or you're in denial. Millions of people are now infected. Hospitals are overwelmed. Doctors and nurses are having to choose who to save and who to let die because there aren't enough ventilators. People who can't afford healthcare in countries that require you to pay for it are screwed. Poor people are struggling even more. People are losing their jobs. People are dying. Even healthy people who were supposed to have been at less risk of complications are dying. Doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers often don't have enough protective equipment. I could go on forever.

So yeah, that's why I'm scared. And this is exactly why we need to follow the rules and think about how our actions have an impact on other people. I just really wanted to get this point across in this blog post because every day I see that so many people aren't listening. If I can give a dose of reality to at least one person who's in denial or ignorant, then I can maybe feel a little bit more at ease. Please please please, follow the rules of quarantine and the advice of W.H.O. Oh yeah, and stop panic buying and stock piling!

Anyway, now that I've got that rant off my chest, time to talk about where things currently stand with my writing.

At work, it looks like things might be calming down, and by that, I mean that it looks like I won't be having to work so much overtime soon. The reason I've been at work so much is because we've been super short staffed because of the Coronavirus, and because of people having picked the worst time in history to book time off. My manager has been having to cover a lot of other manager positions because they've either been ill or just can't be bothered to pull their weight. For some reason, it seems like it's been down to our store to keep the business afloat in my area.

Well, my manager has decided enough is enough and that it's not fair for us to be doing all the work. Some staff are finally returning to work, including some of the managers, so that means my manager won't have to cover for them, which also means that I'll no longer be covering her shifts as much. Three members of staff where I work, including myself, have sometimes been having to work six or seven days a week. It's not been fun. The stupidity and abuse we've been getting off customers certainly hasn't helped. We've been breaking down at work, taking a few minutes to step away and have a quick cry or panic attack before putting the customer service mask back on and getting back to work. No one has been there for us, but we still press on. We have no choice.

Unfortunately I can't promise that things will calm down. All I can say is that's how the future is looking at the moment. If this trend continues, hopefully it will mean that I can start updating again. I have really been missing writing when I've been lucky enough to grab a few seconds to think about it. I don't think I've ever felt so tired and stressed in all my life. I can't even begin to imagine how doctors and nurses much be feeling. They have my utmost respect and adoration, and I will always continue to campaign for the NHS, free healthcare and the rights of health workers. You guys deserve to get paid waaaaaaay more than you do. You're heroes.

I'll try to keep you updated on Twitter, so make sure to follow me on there if you are able to and don't want to miss out on anything. I'm also thinking about setting up an email account that you guys can contact me on. Obviously I don't want to use my personal one, but I've been thinking it might be a good way to allow more people to reach me should they need/want to.

Hopefully I'll be seeing you guys soon. Please stay safe out there!


  1. I'm safe, and I'm glad you are too. I'm so sorry you have to endure such stress and terror. :'( I hope everyone's collective minds return in the near future. Thank you, and your coworkers, for still being out there daily, keeping the store open, so that others might have access to medicines. I know you personally don't really have much of a choice - work it or potentially get fired, I'm sure - but still. I thank you.

    Stay well, friend, and I hope those readers that have been pestering you will calm the heck down! <3

    1. I'm so glad that you're doing okay too, because I've heard that it's been pretty bad in America. Yeah, that's pretty much it. But still, I am glad that I'm helping some people. You stay well too! And lol, me too. Priorities people!

    2. America has been a madhouse, and the county I live in got an F-rating from the CDC (or the state equivalent? I can't recall) for social distancing. -_- Yesterday looked like a normal pre-coronavirus Saturday as I drove through town to pick Hubby up from work.... Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't had more confirmed cases in the area, but knowing this demographic most people are not reporting their symptoms if they're not severe enough for the hospital (or they are, but they "tough through it" because... 'Merica!) 9_9 It's a godsend that Hubby hasn't gotten sick yet.

      Take care, Friend. Best to you.

    3. It's the same in the UK. There's people everywhere, and the police just don't give a crap. When I tried to report some random weirdo's dangerous behaviour, the police wouldn't even let me get a word in, said I shouldn't be at work before hanging up on me. The same happened to one of my mum's friends who reported her neighbour for having a huge house party at 1am. The police knocked on the door and no one answered, so they just gave up and left.

      I have no idea how I haven't got sick either. Especially with all the people I've had to deal with that clearly don't give a crap about the whole thing. If your husband works in a huge grocery store, then I imagine that he has it far worse than what I do. I only work in a small health store.

      Thank you. You take care too.

  2. Anonymous9/4/20 00:21

    Update, update, UPDATE! And by that, I mean please keep updating us on how YOU'RE doing. I love your stories, I enjoy reading your reviews, but most of all, I am SO relieved when I see activity from you because I know that means you're okay. Even if its just a simple "hi" once in a while, please let us know you're ok.

    Sorry if the beginning was kinda cruel, I was trying to be funny lol

    Anyway, I also want to thank you for being out there and supplying the medicines ppl need. Hopefully, this will all get better and we can get back to normal living.

    Have a wonderful week Pixie :)

    1. Bahahahaha! You got me good there! I like that! Don't be sorry; it was funny! Awww that's so sweet of you. I'll try and keep you guys updated as often as possible. I hope that you too are doing alright, and that you have a wonderful week too ^_^

  3. Wow, and I thought Americans were the only ones going super crazy. The toilet paper shortage is ridiculous. And don't get me started on the idiotic govenor who said churches are essential and people can congregate if it's a church. Like, why can't people just listen and stay home? Or at least don't go out in large crowds?
    It's super frustrating and I hope you stay safe. I know you'd rather be writing so just tell people to stfu lol.
    I don't have Twitter but a mass email would be cool. I mainly just follow your blog posts for updates.

    1. Nope. Pretty much everyone in the world has been panic buying, especially panic buying toilet paper. I have no clue why either. What are they going to do with all that toilet paper? I don't think I'll ever understand...

      Wow, that really is stupid. Great way to spread the virus there. Then again, with how hard-core Christian a lot of America is, that doesn't really surprise me. I don't understand why people aren't listening either. I think a lot of people have the mentality of 'well, it's probably not gonna happen to me.' Thank you! I hope that you're staying safe too!


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