Pixie's Chronicle: Well, That Failed

So yeah, my plans for this week ended up completely falling through. I probably should have seen it coming. Stupid me forgot to take into account that I would be exhausted after all of my exams. I've had literally no energy this week, and I've been feeling a little on the rough side as a result. My brain was completely fried, especially after how difficult my final exam was. Pretty much all I feel like I've done this week is study, stress over stuff and sleep. The very few times I did get a chance to relax, I spent them playing Animal Crossing to have at least a tiny bit of me-time.

As a result, writing took a huge back seat. It frustrated me, but I just wouldn't have been able to concentrate on writing good quality chapters. I've been making notes of ideas and getting some editing done, but that's about all I could bring myself to concentrate on, as that doesn't require as much effort. But today, I'm officially getting some rest, ready for a new a productive week!

I spent all of Monday studying to a point where my brain was completely frazzled. I think I might have overdone it a little bit. I managed to edit chapter 22 of Madness Within, and get it uploaded to AO3, as well as updated on FanFiction, but after all that, I ended up crashing out. I didn't even manage to get started on my review for Ikari Gozen, so I ended up deciding to postpone that until Wednesday when my exams would be over.

On Tuesday I had to get up super early. I'd only had about 4 hours of sleep, and I had an almost 12 hour shift at work waiting for me. My supervisor had decided to put me forward for manager training, and it's been a lot of hard work, especially because of my dyscalculia. I'm pushing through, but anything involving money or numbers has been a huge struggle. And money is one thing that you absolutely cannot screw up, so, y'know, no pressure or anything. So I've been spending a lot of time in a freezing office, learning how to be a manager. It's not exactly a promotion, but it means that should my manager or supervisor not be available for any reason, I can step up and be a 'duty manager' for that period of time. They weren't kidding when they said you can quickly progress within the company. I've only been working there for about 4 months. But hey, I'm not complaining.

So overall, Tuesday ended up being a super long day. I finished my exams and passed with flying colours which was awesome! I was just brain dead afterwards. Though I did have one nasty incident that day, and if you follow me on Twitter, then you probably already know what story I'm about to tell. The tale of the lady with no sympathy or empathy.

I didn't hear the first half of the conversation as I had been working in the office upstairs, but when I finally came back downstairs, my supervisor was talking to a customer who owned a business just up the road from us. For some backstory, a poor woman was recently killed on our street after an argument with her boyfriend, so naturally, people have been laying flowers, cards, balloons and stuff where her body was found. The woman was killed right outside this woman's business, and I walked in just as she was talking about how her business has been badly effected, and that she's sick of hearing her family and friends 'wailing' outside all day. My supervisor and I shared a look of horror, and I think she sensed she had crossed some sort of line, as she then added, "I don't mean to sound heartless."

Ummm, yeah, you kinda do, lady.

Annoyingly, I couldn't say anything since she was a customer, so I just stood there awkwardly, desperately trying to resist the urge to slap her. A woman's dead, you heartless bitch! Her family and friends are entitled to mourn in the spot where she was killed. Not to mention, I've visited her shop multiple times, and every time I have, I've been the only customer, so I doubt it's a poor murdered girl that's causing bad business. I'll certainly never be paying her shop a visit again if she has that kind of attitude.

By the time I got home on Tuesday night, I collapsed and slept right through until it was time to get up super early again the next day. It literally just felt like I had blinked before my alarm began to blare. Luckily, my shift was only in the morning. I had been hoping to make use of the free afternoon by finishing my review of Ikari Gozen, as well as possibly writing a chapter of Chat Vert or something, but again, literally as soon as I got home, I collapsed in bed and slept for the rest of the day and night. It was amazing to get so much rest, but at the same time, it made me feel incredibly unproductive.

On Thursday I did some volunteer work at my local animal charity since it had been a while since I had helped out there, and it was great to see everybody again. Though while I was there, I impulsively bought a mini trampoline because I have the mental age of a 10 year old. To be honest, it'll be pretty good exercise for me since that's still something that I need to work on. My problem is, whenever I try to work out, I get bored, so hopefully this will help. So yeah, I've been bouncing around on it like a little kid.

I did come to realise this week that I really needed to do something about my lack of energy. My stupid anti-depressants completely sap it all out of me, but then I realised, "hey, I work in the health profession now, I can get my hands on all sorts to boost my energy levels." So that's what I ended up doing. I didn't really want to use anything that would mess with my blood pressure since blood pressure issues run in my family, so in the end I decided to go with riboflavin. Surprisingly, it worked on me unlike most stuff. It didn't do too much for my mental exhaustion, but that's just down to a lack of decent sleep. I did, however, feel a lot less fatigued and actually had some physical energy for a change. I didn't come home aching all over which was awesome! So yeah, if you're someone who suffers from fatigue, go for some riboflavin, wowzers. I feel like a new woman.

Despite having more energy though, I knew that I would need to get at least a little bit of rest this weekend, otherwise I would just end up collapsing. I have a week off work which gives me plenty of time to focus on writing this week. What order I'm going to do things in, I'm not sure yet, but my review of Ikari Gozen will definitely finally be uploaded on here tomorrow. All of my stories will be updated this week, and I'm going to dedicate whole days to working on them. Hopefully this means I can finally get my writing somewhat back on track.

I'm also going to dedicate a day to getting all of my episode reviews finished, that way no week goes without content for Miraculous Monday. Not to mention with the final episodes of the season being released soon, I really need to get back on track with them.

I really am sorry that I've been neglecting my writing so bad lately. I've just been in a zombie like state and haven't been able to put much energy into anything. I've literally had no motivation to do anything, and even my Pixie's Chronicles have been lazily and sloppily written these past few weeks. I just hope that I can pull things back and keep giving you guys good quality content. I also hope that I still have an audience since it's been so long since I updated some of my stories. I won't be surprised if a lot of people have given up and jumped ship.

Anyway, I'm gonna go rest up and get ready for the week ahead of me. Bring it on!


  1. It's always nice to hear how you're doing, regardless of the state it's in. Plus, you can at least say your blog is more concise and organized than mine.

    I can't believe that woman who owns the shop of your job's street! I mean, I get that it can be emotionally and mentally draining to hear people grieve day in and day out if you're not used to it. However, if THAT'S her excuse, she should have worded it as such, instead of blaming low sales on it. At the same time, though, if this is her source of income, I can understand the stress, especially if she was doing poorly to begin with and now is even MORE stressed at losing her business. It's really hard to tell where people are coming from. I try to give the benefit of the doubt, but regardless of what she MEANT, how she said it was appalling.

    Good for you on the management training, but I get how that can be stressful, especially with the money handling. Also, good for you on getting some much-needed rest, but I agree that it's a double-edged sword in the fact that you feel unproductive. That's cool to know about the Riboflavin though. I'll have to check into that. I'm always a fatiqued lump in winter. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Finally, I'll say this every week (and never listen to it with regards to my own writing), but it's okay that you needed to go on hiatus. You had other priorities, and these are free for us to consume. You focus on yourself, your well-being, your betterment, and your paycheck. We're patient (for the most part ;) ).

    Enjoy your vacation!

    1. Lol, it is? I think your blog looks really nice and I wish that I could get those damn borders around the pictures like you do. It looks so much more organised and professional than just a random picture dumped in the middle.

      I can understand her being stressed over her livlihood being affected, but there was no need for her to word it like she did. There was no hint of sympathy, it was all just pure anger and gave off a 'me me me' vibe. I know for sure that the woman's death wasn't affecting her business, as like I said, she hardly ever has any customers. Not to mention, if that is the case, then it won't be like that forever. If anyone's to blame and deserves her anger, it's the cruel bastard who killed her. He never intended to kill her, but he still shouldn't have been hitting her like he was.

      Tell me about it. And yeah, if you ever need random and simple medical advice, feel free to come to me, lol. There's lots of stuff to help with physical and mental fatigue. There's Riboflavin, Ginseng, Ginkgo, Glutamine etc.

      Ahahahaha, thank you again for the reassurance. You always manage to help me feel less panicked about updating. Thank you!!!


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