Pixie's Chronicle: #Adulting

*laughs nervously* Hey guys, how have you been? Me? Oh, I...I haven't updated again. Doh! Yeah, you're probably tired of hearing all of this at this point. While so many people have been kind to me about it, I have been starting to get a few people asking where the hell I am. I really don't blame them since it has been a good few weeks since I've updated any of my stories. It's frustrating as hell that I just can't seem to get myself back on track.

An anonymous comment from last week's blog entry perfectly summed up how much I jinx myself when I say that I'm going to update on a certain day, and then never end up actually doing so. So this week, I'm not going to give any specific days I'm hoping to update on, just that I am hoping to start updating again this week. But yeah, you guys have heard all that before, so here's hoping that I'm actually more reliable this coming week. But yeah, the reason I haven't found the chance to write properly this week is because of how much I fail as an adult.

Since my last blog update ended up being posted on the Monday, I'll just skip ahead to Tuesday. Things were pretty quiet and normal that day, and I so was convinced that I was going to be able to get home after work and be able to write. I'd found a few things at work that I wanted to call dibs on, so I was looking forward to having some new clothes since my closet is desperately empty at the moment. I don't really own that many clothes and I keep trying to change that. A nice staff discount certainly gives me the kick up the backside I need to actually buy some.

However, the day started going downhill around lunch time. I was just chilling on my lunch break with my friends when my stomach started killing me. No clue where it came from, it just all of a sudden felt like I had been kicked in the gut. It was getting to a point where I was just so uncomfortable that I ended up getting sent home. So yeah, I pretty much chilled in bed for the rest of the day, still having no idea what the hell was causing that stomach ache. Knowing me, I'd probably eaten something that didn't agree with me. I mean, I am that weird girl who's randomly allergic to white chocolate of all things. Yeah, I have no clue either. So of course that meant that I didn't get any work done again.

Wednesday I desperately needed to get some shopping done and managed to pick up some more gerbil supplies. I received some worrying news from the vet that my dog's test results had come back worse this time, so I have to strictly monitor her to make sure she's only eating her special diet food and that she's not picking anything up off the floor. Easier said than done, as I'm sure a lot of you know what dogs are like. You need eyes in the back of your head with them, and they can be so sneaky. Especially since my dog is a border collie, the smartest breed in the world, so she can be super cunning and clever sometimes. It makes keeping a close eye on her a nightmare. I just hope the next test provides better results as I'm getting super paranoid about her wellbeing. Every little stumble has me terrified that she's suffering another fainting episode again.

Because of this, I've ended up having to do a thorough deep clean of the house. I've vacuumed every inch of the floor and sweep the kitchen every day, ensuring there's absolutely nothing on the floor. It makes cooking hard work and take longer, but hey, if it helps my dog's health I'd do anything. After all that cleaning I was super exhausted, and I ended up doing some studying instead of writing. This particular course is taking so much longer and is super hard-core. There's so many complicated scientific names to remember and it's driving me crazy. I'm making my own little notebook full of notes to help me remember everything, and I've put so much effort into it. If only I'd applied myself this much back in school.

Thursday was a fun day. Though I actually experienced blatant sexism for the first time which was a very strange experience. I was carrying something heavy at work, and a male customer sneered at me and I said that I should be getting a man to carry that. I was like "wut?" I honestly thought he was joking at first because I thought surely there's no way someone actually voices that kind of opinion in public these days. But nope. He was dead serious. Unfortunately since I was at work, I couldn't reply with anything sarcastic, so I just said that I was strong enough before leaving and ignoring him.

Luckily I got no random stomach cramps this time. Though it was super humid which sucked. Still, at least I got a small thunderstorm out of it which was awesome. I love storms so much. I only wish that we could get a big one. Those ones are the best! I can tell that I'm a bit obsessed with them because I kept having dreams about tornadoes this week. Fun fact: I actually wanted to be a storm chaser as a kid. Unfortunately I don't have the math skills for such a thing. I'd struggle to read all of the radar.

Though I didn't get any writing done that day either, I did manage to get some planning done. I've been working more on Immortal Bond, though I'm still trying to come up with a title just in case I can't use 'Immortal Bond' again. If you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. Coming up with story titles is sometimes that hardest part, even though you'd think it would be the easiest. I've been reading plenty of horror stories and watching plenty of horror videos to try and make sure that I capture the atmosphere correctly, especially in the first part of the story. It's been a while since I've written horror, so it's making a nice and interesting change. Don't get me wrong, it's not something that's going to be on Exorcist levels, but just enough that I'm rating it M to be on the safe side.

I also spent some time editing my plans for Chat Vert. I'm not sure if I'm one hundred percent happy with the original ending that I chose to go with, so I'm just fiddling with that at the moment to make sure I get it just right. I'm not one for cliche endings, and I often like to work hard on them and be clever about it. It's something that I often get praised for which is really nice. So that's definitely a skill that I want to keep working on.

The Madness Within sequel, Madness Unleashed, is still being planned and worked on as well. I've been adding a few more ideas, though how many of them I'm actually going to use, I don't know. Though I know what the climax of the story is going to involve, I'm struggling a little bit on the ending. However I'm not going to go into too much detail, as it will involve Madness Within spoilers and plot elements that have yet to come into play.

Friday ended up being an intense study day. I had hoped to work on the next chapter of Madness Within like I had originally planned, but my studying had to take priority. It was really intense and I was really exhausted by the end of the day. I kept getting distracted because of my failure to adult and arrange appointments properly. I had completely forgotten that I had an appointment on Monday, which wouldn't be so bad, but I was scheduled to work that day. Oops. Because it was late on Friday that I realised this, there would be no time to rearange it, so I ended up having to text my manager and asked if I could take my break at that time to get to that appointment. I felt so guilty, especially since I'm still new, but everyone at work seemed okay with it. I'm such a cheesebrain.

I had also forgotten when my next therapy appointment was, so when an alarm went off on my phone that morning to remind me that I had the appointment that day, I went into complete panic mode. I called them up to double check, and luckily, my appointment wasn't that day, I had forgotten that we had moved it to the week after. So luckily my panic was over quickly with that one.

Then some random person messaged me on LinkedIn asking to talk about business related to the company that I work for. It's clear in my job title that I'm not the person to be talking to about things like that. You need someone much much much more higher up than me to talk about things like that. I just show up and do as I'm told. I'm there to provide medical and fitness advice and that's it. The business side is nothing to do with me. She ended up asking me for my manager's email and that's when I realised that I didn't actually have my manager's email. Which is probably really stupid of me, yeah. I just have her personal phone number, which is information I don't like giving out without permission. No clue what that woman did in the end.

Then someone else tried to book an appointment with me for tomorrow. Some guy wants to interview me about my story or whatever and wants me to write some sort of article, and I clearly told him the days I couldn't do, which included Monday, so what does he go and do? Books it for Monday. Seething, I tried to get in contact with the person helping me with it, but then I remembered that he was on vacation and wouldn't see my email until, guess what, Monday. Ugh. They're just going to have to deal with me not showing up, because it at the end of the day, it was their fault. Seems like everyone has been wanting a piece of me on Monday. So yeah, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.

Saturday I had work, which ended up being ten times more fun since my town's pride event was being held that day. I was dancing around to the music for the show all day which was awesome. There were police everywhere though which was a little intimidating, especially with how HUGE their horses were. I'd never seen any so big. It was like the incredible hulk was giving them a piggy-back ride. I would have loved to join in and get my face painted and stuff, but unfortunately I didn't have much time on break, and it was super crowded to a point where you almost couldn't move. But pride is always so much fun though, and I wish that people could dress up like that every day without it being 'weird'. Why is it not socially acceptable for me to wear fairy wings every day? It's not fair.

Other than this, I don't really have much to talk about this week since it's just been chaos with appointments and adult tasks, as well as spending most of my time studying. I'd love to give you an idea of when I'll next update my stories, but like I said, I'm terrified of jinxing it. So hopefully I'll have some more luck next week. It would also be nice if I didn't fail so much as an adult. I miss the days where I didn't have to worry about arranging appointments and remembering them. Once I turned 16, it was all down hill from there, lol.

I hope that you guys have been more organised than me!


  1. Adulting is for squares. Imma go color in my blanket fort and drink some chocolate milk.

  2. Awww, your poor dog. She's gone through so much. :( You too. Sorry you both have gone through such rough health issues. I hope things are evening out by now.

    If it's any consolation, I am juuuuuuuuust barely more organized than you. All-in-all, I suck at adulting as well, as evidenced by my own blogs. You are NOT alone! Trust me!

    It's cool that Pride happens right in your town! I live in too rural (re: conservative) of an area for us to have any sort of Pride celebration right here. You'd have to drive into the city about 45min away for that. It's a shame that you didn't get a chance to really participate, but it's still cool that you could groove to the music, and (presumably) wear your wings. :) YAY! You truly were a little Pixie!

    1. She really has. I love her to bits and just wish that I could take all of her pain away. Lol, organisation is always a pain. I think it's safe to say that I've pretty much my new year's resolution of being more organised.

      Yeesh, I'd hate that. My town is pretty rural, but really accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. Apart from the odd moron of course. Hell yeah, music is awesome and always puts me in a better mood. Yaaaay! I was!


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