As you can probably already guess from the title, I've been running around like a headless pixie all week. This week has been even more hectic and confusing than last week, and I feel like I'm just not organised at all at the moment which is driving me crazy. I'm someone who often has to be highly organised. I'm not like some military commander, but I like to dedicate one day to one thing while dedicating the next day to something else.
But this week was just a huge mess.
I didn't get nearly as many things accomplished as I would have liked for starters. I had really hoped that I could write and upload the next chapter of Chat Vert this week, but as you can tell, that didn't happen. For some reason I've just been really lacking in inspiration and motivation when it comes to Chat Vert, which is weird. LycoRogue has already suggested that watching the episode Silencer will definitely help with inspiration regarding that story, and I'm inclined to agree. It's just a case of waiting for the damn episode. I had hoped it would have been released in English by now, but unfortunately not, which is annoying, because I'm having to dodge spoilers as well as having to run dry on inspiration. I want me some Lukinette goodness!
If there's no sign of the episode being released anytime soon though, I'm just going to have to power through and try and work on it without that boost. It's been over two months since that story has been updated and it's been making me twitch so much. I always feel so bad when I leave huge gaps between updates. Heck, I get twitchy and terrified when I leave an update gap longer than a week, so you can imagine how much a two month gap is driving me crazy.
To the fans of that story, I promise you that I haven't forgotten about it and that the story is still very much in my thoughts. I am working very hard on it, I'm just a bit low on inspiration for it at the moment. My notes for that story are messy and all over the place. Here's hoping I get my mojo back for that story very soon.
I don't think my lack of inspiration was helped by the fact that I've had such a busy and stressful week again. Most of my week has been consumed by work, meetings, planning for events and spending time with other people. Monday I went shopping with my mum, which was hell with the brief hot weather that we had. Whenever it's really hot I just want to curl into a sweaty ball and die. Then on Tuesday I had to pick up my new phone, which was awesome, because I've been needing a new phone for a while, so luckily I got it as a joint early birthday present off my mum and my brother. My old phone was just awful. It had no storage space and the wifi kept cutting out by itself.
So yeah, I ended up getting addicted to my new phone. I just find it so satisfying to organise everything on a new device. Not to mention I decided to actually start using Spotify which has now consumed my life for the time being. For some reason I just got so addicted to browsing different songs and adding stuff I liked to my playlist. Before I knew it, it was late at night and I was like, "crap, I forgot to work on Chat Vert." No problem, I could just work on it Wednesday.
Guess who was then still addicted to their new phone that day as well. Well, I didn't spend all day on it. I did go shopping again on the hunt for some pet supplies. I'm really hoping to get myself some gerbils soon. No clue where the urge came from, but I do really love them. I've had some before, but the responsibility was shared and I was too young to properly appreciate them. I dunno, I just really want something to look after because I love taking care of things. I can become really maternal sometimes and actually seem to have infinite patience when it comes to people with dementia, other ill people, as well as when working with animals.
I don't know what it is about me and animals, but we always just seem to instantly click. There's a dog in my neighbourhood who is often terrified of everybody and never approaches strangers and certainly never jumps up at people and gives them love. But one day, I was just walking down the street when the dog actually approached me, jumped up at me and allowed me to pet her. Everyone around us was shocked. I certainly felt very honoured. There's a lot of dogs that come into my work too that automatically seem to gravitate towards me, and I certainly lap up all of the attention.
Where was I even going with this? Oh yeah, the gerbils.
So yeah, I really want to get myself some gerbils. The only obstacle I have is finding them a proper habitat. I often go by the general rule of never buying cages from pet shops since they often don't cater to all the needs and space that they need, especially gerbils. I refuse to just stick them in a small cage. I want to give them a proper decently spaced tank where they can dig and play. So if anyone has any advice on where to look or any advice on how to improvise my own habitat, then I would greatly appreciate it.
As you can see, I find animals very distracting. I can't help it, I love them more than people. So because of all the research and hunting around that I was doing, that also distracted me from getting some proper writing done. Then on Thursday I was in a really grumpy mood. I don't think that it helped that I was anxious about today, as well as the stress of preparing for it. So I ended up just sitting down and flat out refusing to do any work in some form of weird temper tantrum. I literally just sat on my bed and sulked for a few hours like a petulant child.
Why was I sulking you may ask? It's because I hate faffing. To my international, non-British audience that will likely be reading this, 'faffing' is a term defined as to 'spend time in ineffectual activity' (thanks Google). I HATE it. People faffing about around me, myself being forced to faff about. I just like to get on with things when I have a goal in mind, and when this pixie is on a mission there ain't nothing getting in my way. One thing that I consider to be a faff, is travelling. I really hate travelling. I'm impatient as hell when it comes to travelling, especially when it's public transport. Faffing and dawdling are one of my biggest pet peeves.
So I was sulking because I knew that I had a long journey ahead of me, had lots of connections to make, had to walk about everywhere, had to deal with a lot of people, and I just knew that I was going to get lost at some point.
Today was that day. I had to get to a meeting that was way over yonder. If I could drive and had a car, it would have been no problem. But because I can't drive, it meant that I had a bus ride, a train ride, a twenty minute walk to another train station, another train ride, then a thirty minute walk to my destination. Ugh.
It didn't start off too good either as I ended up trapped in a small talk conversation with someone at the bus stop. That's another one of my pet peeves: small talk. It drives me mad. It's like someone running their nails along a chalkboard for me. I just find it so cringy and awkward. But the rest of the journey there was pretty okay apart from me getting lost in between walking to the next train station. Thank goodness for smartphones that's all I can say. I'd like to take this moment to thank the random satellite up there in space that helped me find my way.
However, on the way home I got absolutely drenched. Thanks a bunch stereotypical British weather! Not even wearing a coat was enough to stop myself from getting soaked. My boots were leaking really badly too, and I still had a long journey ahead of me, so I was actually really worried about getting trench foot or something. I nearly accidentally got on the wrong train too, but luckily I stopped myself just in time. I finally made it home looking like some sort of swamp creature. Needless to say, I have now had a very nice hot bubble bath and I'm now sitting in my pyjamas, writing this blog entry from under a nice thick blanket.
One thing that this long journey did allow me to do, was daydream. Particularly about Immortal Bond. I'm still at a bit of a stalemate with that story and we're locked in this eternal showdown at the moment as I try and figure it out. Something about my new idea just still doesn't feel right to me. I seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to writing. I see it as a bit of an extension of myself, able to feel what's right and what's wrong. And Immortal Bond just still isn't feeling right to me. I'll keep working on it though until it does feel right.
Because of how chaotic this week has been, I ended up forgetting to upload new chapters of Destiny's Dance and Madness Within onto AO3. It wasn't until early this morning that I finally realised and felt like such an idiot. Looks like my transition back into fanfiction work isn't going to be as smooth as I had hoped it would be. I'm still trying to figure out a new schedule and adjust it to my routine. So yeah, I've been massively all over the place.
But I did manage to spark a lot of debate in my Oblivio review, which was great! I love talking to you guys so much. It also lead to a few new amazing ideas as well! In the comment section, a few of us ended up ranking the season 3 episodes that we had seen so far. This then prompted a commenter to suggest making a blog post of me ranking season 1 and season 2 episodes. I thought that this was a great idea! So I'm definitely going to be planning and working on that. Thank you so much to the anonymous commenter who suggested this!
Also, don't forget that this coming week's Miraculous Monday blog entry is going to be all about my advice on writing fanfiction, so if that's something that you'll be interested in, then it would be great to see you there. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions and provide as much advice as I can. My season 1 ranking should be published the Monday after that.
Tomorrow, I'm hoping to have the next chapter of Madness Within uploaded. It's a chapter that I've been looking forward to working on for over a year now, and was one of the first chapter ideas that I came up with when I was planning the story, so I think it will be great to see it come alive and find out what you all think about it. I really do hope I can get it finished tomorrow, since Sunday is my birthday, meaning I'm not going to be doing any work.
My poll for my Madness Within sequel question has now closed and I can confirm that 'yes' won by a landslide. So that means I will be working on a sequel for Madness Within. The story will be called Madness Unleashed and will be a direct continuation of Madness Within. I do feel relieved that 'yes' won because now I can tie up all those loose ends and bring in the plot elements that I had to remove from Madness Within.
I'm going to be trying to work on social media as well, especially since TLOS21 has now convinced me to get Pintrest. I'll be setting that account up a little bit later, so soon I should have the link up to follow me on there if you would like. I've also been wondering about joining Discord. Do you guys think it would be a good idea? I just love getting to interact with you guys so much.
I also seriously need to catch up on my reading as well. I'm pretty sure I've been saying that every week this month at this point. As for Chat Vert, well, we'll both just have to wait and see how that pans out. I am hoping for an update next week, but I've been saying that for the past few weeks as well. Just depends if the muses decide to bless me or not. But until then, I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Pixie out.
But this week was just a huge mess.
I didn't get nearly as many things accomplished as I would have liked for starters. I had really hoped that I could write and upload the next chapter of Chat Vert this week, but as you can tell, that didn't happen. For some reason I've just been really lacking in inspiration and motivation when it comes to Chat Vert, which is weird. LycoRogue has already suggested that watching the episode Silencer will definitely help with inspiration regarding that story, and I'm inclined to agree. It's just a case of waiting for the damn episode. I had hoped it would have been released in English by now, but unfortunately not, which is annoying, because I'm having to dodge spoilers as well as having to run dry on inspiration. I want me some Lukinette goodness!
If there's no sign of the episode being released anytime soon though, I'm just going to have to power through and try and work on it without that boost. It's been over two months since that story has been updated and it's been making me twitch so much. I always feel so bad when I leave huge gaps between updates. Heck, I get twitchy and terrified when I leave an update gap longer than a week, so you can imagine how much a two month gap is driving me crazy.
To the fans of that story, I promise you that I haven't forgotten about it and that the story is still very much in my thoughts. I am working very hard on it, I'm just a bit low on inspiration for it at the moment. My notes for that story are messy and all over the place. Here's hoping I get my mojo back for that story very soon.
I don't think my lack of inspiration was helped by the fact that I've had such a busy and stressful week again. Most of my week has been consumed by work, meetings, planning for events and spending time with other people. Monday I went shopping with my mum, which was hell with the brief hot weather that we had. Whenever it's really hot I just want to curl into a sweaty ball and die. Then on Tuesday I had to pick up my new phone, which was awesome, because I've been needing a new phone for a while, so luckily I got it as a joint early birthday present off my mum and my brother. My old phone was just awful. It had no storage space and the wifi kept cutting out by itself.
So yeah, I ended up getting addicted to my new phone. I just find it so satisfying to organise everything on a new device. Not to mention I decided to actually start using Spotify which has now consumed my life for the time being. For some reason I just got so addicted to browsing different songs and adding stuff I liked to my playlist. Before I knew it, it was late at night and I was like, "crap, I forgot to work on Chat Vert." No problem, I could just work on it Wednesday.
Guess who was then still addicted to their new phone that day as well. Well, I didn't spend all day on it. I did go shopping again on the hunt for some pet supplies. I'm really hoping to get myself some gerbils soon. No clue where the urge came from, but I do really love them. I've had some before, but the responsibility was shared and I was too young to properly appreciate them. I dunno, I just really want something to look after because I love taking care of things. I can become really maternal sometimes and actually seem to have infinite patience when it comes to people with dementia, other ill people, as well as when working with animals.
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Mine and my brother's gerbils, 2011 |
Where was I even going with this? Oh yeah, the gerbils.
So yeah, I really want to get myself some gerbils. The only obstacle I have is finding them a proper habitat. I often go by the general rule of never buying cages from pet shops since they often don't cater to all the needs and space that they need, especially gerbils. I refuse to just stick them in a small cage. I want to give them a proper decently spaced tank where they can dig and play. So if anyone has any advice on where to look or any advice on how to improvise my own habitat, then I would greatly appreciate it.
As you can see, I find animals very distracting. I can't help it, I love them more than people. So because of all the research and hunting around that I was doing, that also distracted me from getting some proper writing done. Then on Thursday I was in a really grumpy mood. I don't think that it helped that I was anxious about today, as well as the stress of preparing for it. So I ended up just sitting down and flat out refusing to do any work in some form of weird temper tantrum. I literally just sat on my bed and sulked for a few hours like a petulant child.
Why was I sulking you may ask? It's because I hate faffing. To my international, non-British audience that will likely be reading this, 'faffing' is a term defined as to 'spend time in ineffectual activity' (thanks Google). I HATE it. People faffing about around me, myself being forced to faff about. I just like to get on with things when I have a goal in mind, and when this pixie is on a mission there ain't nothing getting in my way. One thing that I consider to be a faff, is travelling. I really hate travelling. I'm impatient as hell when it comes to travelling, especially when it's public transport. Faffing and dawdling are one of my biggest pet peeves.
So I was sulking because I knew that I had a long journey ahead of me, had lots of connections to make, had to walk about everywhere, had to deal with a lot of people, and I just knew that I was going to get lost at some point.
Today was that day. I had to get to a meeting that was way over yonder. If I could drive and had a car, it would have been no problem. But because I can't drive, it meant that I had a bus ride, a train ride, a twenty minute walk to another train station, another train ride, then a thirty minute walk to my destination. Ugh.
It didn't start off too good either as I ended up trapped in a small talk conversation with someone at the bus stop. That's another one of my pet peeves: small talk. It drives me mad. It's like someone running their nails along a chalkboard for me. I just find it so cringy and awkward. But the rest of the journey there was pretty okay apart from me getting lost in between walking to the next train station. Thank goodness for smartphones that's all I can say. I'd like to take this moment to thank the random satellite up there in space that helped me find my way.
However, on the way home I got absolutely drenched. Thanks a bunch stereotypical British weather! Not even wearing a coat was enough to stop myself from getting soaked. My boots were leaking really badly too, and I still had a long journey ahead of me, so I was actually really worried about getting trench foot or something. I nearly accidentally got on the wrong train too, but luckily I stopped myself just in time. I finally made it home looking like some sort of swamp creature. Needless to say, I have now had a very nice hot bubble bath and I'm now sitting in my pyjamas, writing this blog entry from under a nice thick blanket.
One thing that this long journey did allow me to do, was daydream. Particularly about Immortal Bond. I'm still at a bit of a stalemate with that story and we're locked in this eternal showdown at the moment as I try and figure it out. Something about my new idea just still doesn't feel right to me. I seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to writing. I see it as a bit of an extension of myself, able to feel what's right and what's wrong. And Immortal Bond just still isn't feeling right to me. I'll keep working on it though until it does feel right.
Because of how chaotic this week has been, I ended up forgetting to upload new chapters of Destiny's Dance and Madness Within onto AO3. It wasn't until early this morning that I finally realised and felt like such an idiot. Looks like my transition back into fanfiction work isn't going to be as smooth as I had hoped it would be. I'm still trying to figure out a new schedule and adjust it to my routine. So yeah, I've been massively all over the place.
But I did manage to spark a lot of debate in my Oblivio review, which was great! I love talking to you guys so much. It also lead to a few new amazing ideas as well! In the comment section, a few of us ended up ranking the season 3 episodes that we had seen so far. This then prompted a commenter to suggest making a blog post of me ranking season 1 and season 2 episodes. I thought that this was a great idea! So I'm definitely going to be planning and working on that. Thank you so much to the anonymous commenter who suggested this!
Also, don't forget that this coming week's Miraculous Monday blog entry is going to be all about my advice on writing fanfiction, so if that's something that you'll be interested in, then it would be great to see you there. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions and provide as much advice as I can. My season 1 ranking should be published the Monday after that.
Tomorrow, I'm hoping to have the next chapter of Madness Within uploaded. It's a chapter that I've been looking forward to working on for over a year now, and was one of the first chapter ideas that I came up with when I was planning the story, so I think it will be great to see it come alive and find out what you all think about it. I really do hope I can get it finished tomorrow, since Sunday is my birthday, meaning I'm not going to be doing any work.
My poll for my Madness Within sequel question has now closed and I can confirm that 'yes' won by a landslide. So that means I will be working on a sequel for Madness Within. The story will be called Madness Unleashed and will be a direct continuation of Madness Within. I do feel relieved that 'yes' won because now I can tie up all those loose ends and bring in the plot elements that I had to remove from Madness Within.
I'm going to be trying to work on social media as well, especially since TLOS21 has now convinced me to get Pintrest. I'll be setting that account up a little bit later, so soon I should have the link up to follow me on there if you would like. I've also been wondering about joining Discord. Do you guys think it would be a good idea? I just love getting to interact with you guys so much.
I also seriously need to catch up on my reading as well. I'm pretty sure I've been saying that every week this month at this point. As for Chat Vert, well, we'll both just have to wait and see how that pans out. I am hoping for an update next week, but I've been saying that for the past few weeks as well. Just depends if the muses decide to bless me or not. But until then, I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Pixie out.
Woohoo! I'm so happy to see you accepted my idea. I love reading episode reviews and your writing is the best I've seen yet so I am definitely excited to hear your thoughts on each season and of course, I will most likely be there for a mini review haha.
ReplyDeleteI know myself and others have assured you not to worry about your stories, but being the professional you are, I know your stressing yourself about it. Remember to make time for yourself you sound like such a busybody but give time to yourself for relaxation. I really don't want to hear about you falling down that same path, I want to hear about you living your life happily. Your readers will still remain no matter how long the gaps. Think of yourself Pixie, you are important.
Totally! I loved your idea! Aww, thank you so much! I'm really happy that you enjoy reading my stuff. And of course, I always love reading your own mini reviews in the comments.
DeleteThank you, I really appreciate that. I'm so lucky to have readers that care about me so much. Hmm, now that you mention it, it does seem like I'm always busy doing something. I'm so glad that I'll always have loyal readers like you. I always get paranoid that people will jump ship if I don't update often enough. You're so sweet.
If people are invested in the story they'll wait. I know I'm still following stories that haven't been updated since January.
DeleteYou've had quite the busy week indeed, but it's your birthday week, so it's allowed. (Happy b'day, by the way) Sorry about your trip, it does seem like an overly complicated route to get anywhere! @_@ At least it all seemed to end alright. And it's great that you could utilize the travel time to brainstorm your stories. Time not ENTIRELY wasted....
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of... I get lost in new tech all the time as well. It's so much fun to obsessively go over your new "toy" especially when transferring files and organizing them. Heck, I've had my "new" phone for nearly a year now, and about February or so I spent nearly a whole day sifting through pictures, dropping them in albums, deleting ones I didn't want anymore, editing others, etc. You are NOT alone! And I, at least, completely understand how that could potentially outweigh desires to write. It's alright.
And while I don't have any advice on the gerbils, I wish you luck on figuring out a proper habitat. It's awesome that you click so well with animals. They're a great judge of character and can sense when they're safe, so the fact that so many gravitate to you proves you're a kind, gentle, and sweet person. <3
Hope 22 is a better age for you, and good things come your way. Keep in mind that Energy Follows Thought. So try to think positive thoughts, and perhaps positive energy will indeed come your way. ^_^ Instead of "I know this trip will be a disaster" try thinking "This trip will give me time to sit and think about my writing, and will give me a good opportunity to improve myself for my job"
Hope that helps.
Awww, thank you! It was an overly complicated route. It's getting to a point where I really wish that I could drive. As soon as I can afford it, I'm going to start taking lessons. Yeah, the time wasn't entirely wasted. I just wish that I could have come up with some more final ideas though.
DeleteAhahaha, okay good, so I'm not the only one. I'm always organising my photos and albums and all that. My folders on my computer are so well organised. I'm just so obsessed with order. But yes, my phone is my new toy right now.
Thank you! And awwww, that's a really sweet. That makes me happy if that is indeed the case.
Me too. And thank you so much for that awesome piece of advice. I'll try and think more positive, I can be a bit of a negative, pessimistic kill-joy sometimes when it comes to certain things. So I'll definitely try and work on that.