Well, it is now officially 2019. Just saying that sounds so weird. Whenever I think of the year 2019, it still feels like a year that's far off into the future with flying cars and teleportation. But now it's actually here and it's a bit freaky. It's a shame there's no flying cars and teleportation yet though.
It's no secret that I hated the year 2018. It certainly wasn't the luckiest or happiest year that I've had. I would like to be hopeful that 2019 will be better, but I think I'm just going to take it one day at a time and not get my hopes up that things will get better. I know life will likely continue to throw horrible things at me, because that just seems to be an ongoing trend with me. There's already one event this year that I'm not looking forward to.
But regardless of what trash the year might throw at me, that's not going to stop me from trying to improve myself. I'm going to make 2019 the year when I start fixing myself. I've been a bit of a broken mess for a good few years, and I think it's high time I picked myself up and made an actual effort to improve myself. I'm not usually a person for new year's resolutions, but this year, I have actually made quite a few. Whether I'll actually achieve them all, I don't know, but I'm certainly going to try. If you're curious, then here's a list of them:
Although I do consider myself to be a fairly organised person, usually in terms of cleanliness, arranging files and belongings, when it comes to planning out my day and making sure I get stuff done, well...I'm a bit slack when it comes to that. I'm a huge procrastinator, and I think it's time I stopped that bad habit. So if something needs doing on a particular day, I'm going to force myself to do it. I've even bought myself a cute little organiser to help me keep track of everything, and remind me that I have stuff to complete. I certainly need to try and be a bit more organised with my writing. When I started FanFiction again this time last year, I was pretty good at a consistent update schedule, but that's since gone extremely downhill and all over the place. So hopefully you guys will greatly benefit from this new year's resolution.
I've been tempted to start learning new languages for a while. At school, I learned German and Spanish, but I was never really that interested, hated the way it was taught to us, and I often failed my exams. I was usually pretty good at understanding text written in another language, and was okay at writing, but speaking and listening was what always let me down. I was offered to take language classes at university, but the classes clashed with a lot of my mandatory classes, so unfortunately I couldn't take part. It was a shame, because at the time, I was desperate to start learning sign language again. While at primary school, I began learning it, however, our teacher sadly passed away and there was no one to take over. So this year, I definitely want to at least make a start at learning a new language.
The only problem is, I don't know which language to learn. I'm torn between French and Japanese. Japanese looks the most fascinating, but also the most difficult, while French seems the most useful, but the accent looks the hardest to master. Not to mention there seems to be no rules on how to pronounce certain letters. French just seems to make it up as it goes along. But with Japanese, I'll have to learn an entirely new writing system. So I'm still deciding.
This year I also want to improve my mental health as much as I can. I know there's no cure, and that it's unlikely I'll ever feel one hundred percent normal, but I at least want to feel as better as I possibly can. I'm on the waiting list for therapy again which should hopefully help me out, but there's also this depression support group I might be joining soon. Yeah, I didn't know those were a thing either. But I'll take whatever I can get. All I know is that I'm tired of being ill.
As for learning new skills, I mainly just want to try and be more productive this year. I feel like I sit around too much, wasting my life. I want to get back into arts and crafts again, and LycoRogue's latest fanfiction, Woven Heartstrings, has really helped inspire me to pursue more of my creative hobbies. I'd love to get back into making jewellery again, I want to draw and paint more, and I want to get back into trying to learn to knit. I even wouldn't mind picking up my harmonica again occasionally, and learning how to play that again. I'm also hoping that my writing will improve more throughout this year too. I feel like it has already improved since I started writing again last year - at least I hope so anyway.
Overall, I'm hoping that this year can be a new start for me, and that I can set myself on my way to an improved version of myself. I know it's going to be tough, and that this year won't be all fun and roses, but I'm really going to put in more of an effort this year.
However, I didn't exactly get off to the best of starts. 2018 wasn't quite done tormenting yet at the beginning of this week. I broke my glasses and I have no idea how I managed to do that. Some more family drama kicked off, I injured my foot, my brother got run over (he was somehow miraculously okay), my dog injured her leg, my mum injured her hand, I ended up having a mental breakdown over some of the stupid and demanding people on FanFiction, and I somehow managed to break my brand new lava lamp. So yeah, it was like 2018 was trying to see how much more bad luck it could squeeze into its last few days.
But anyway, onto the topic of writing.
I finally finished and posted the second chapter of Chat Vert, and you can read that by clicking here. I really did not mean for that story to be neglected for way over a month. I way underestimated just how busy Twelve Days of Chatmas would keep me. But since that story is now completed, I have a ton more free time to work on my other stories again. I thought that I would start with Chat Vert first since that story had gone the longest without an update. Not to mention, since that's my less serious story, I thought it would help slowly ease myself back into writing again after my break.
Madness Within will be updated tomorrow. I changed my mind and decided that Saturday should probably be my update day, since I already have a lot going on during Fridays. I still can't believe how demanding people got with me over my slower than normal update for that story. Once again, people were just being downright rude. There was even someone who thought that I had abandoned the story. Like...what? At the time someone left that review, it had only been three weeks since my last update. If I had vanished for months on end, then yeah, I can understand someone questioning whether I'd abandoned it, but three weeks? I'd say I'm one of the fastest writers when it comes to updating on fanfiction. There are people who take months to update, so if three weeks is classed as abandoned for them, then they must think those stories are ancient relics.
Seriously guys, all it takes is a quick look at my blog, or a look at my profile, or my AO3 account to see that I am still very much active. It takes just a second to check if I'm still working or find out when the next update might be. I think that's what frustrates me so much about these situations. Especially since these people are always anonymous so I can't respond to them.
Anyway, I don't want to end up ranting about those types of readers again.
Chapter three of Destiny's Dance has now been edited and fixed on FanFiction, and is now also available on AO3, which you can read by clicking here. Chapter seven of Madness Within has also been edited on FanFiction for hopefully a less painful reading experience, and is now also available on AO3, which is available for your viewing pleasure by clicking here.
Immortal Bond is very nearly there, and I should hopefully be ready to start writing by this weekend. I think I'm going to write a good few of the chapters before I post them, just to make sure that everything is going okay, and to prevent the same mistakes from happening again. I definitely want to make sure that everything is in working order this time. The release date for the new version of Immortal Bond will probably be sometime around the end of January. At least that way, it should allow me to make sure everything is okay, get a few chapters written in advance, and allow me to get more of Chat Vert and Madness Within out of the way. When the new version is released, I will be posting a chapter on the original story to let you all know before I delete the old version. I just hope that FanFiction allows me to have two stories with the same title.
This week, I've also been working hard on finishing my theory on Lila. That post should be up on Monday 7th January, so keep your eyes out for that. I've also been working on a few other pieces of Miraculous Ladybug content for my blog, trying to get a lot of them written up in advance.
Speaking of Miraculous Ladybug, I'm dying for the second episode of season three to be released in English. Luckily, LycoRogue warned me in time that the French version was released, meaning that I managed to avoid a lot of the spoilers in time. I have now banned myself from Tumblr again until that episode is released in English. I'm slowly going crazy again though. I really wish that different dubs of the episode were released at the same time so fans don't have to worry about spoilers. But alas, it is what it is, and I guess I'll just have to keep ducking and diving around the internet until it is released. And of course, I will be doing a review of the episode as soon as I watch it. I'm so much happier with my new review format. It's more clear and concise which makes them more enjoyable to write. It no longer feels like a chore.
Anyway, I hope that you all enjoyed new year celebrations, unless you celebrate new year at a different time of course. Either way, I hope that this year brings you all plenty of good luck and happiness.
Pixie out.
It's no secret that I hated the year 2018. It certainly wasn't the luckiest or happiest year that I've had. I would like to be hopeful that 2019 will be better, but I think I'm just going to take it one day at a time and not get my hopes up that things will get better. I know life will likely continue to throw horrible things at me, because that just seems to be an ongoing trend with me. There's already one event this year that I'm not looking forward to.
But regardless of what trash the year might throw at me, that's not going to stop me from trying to improve myself. I'm going to make 2019 the year when I start fixing myself. I've been a bit of a broken mess for a good few years, and I think it's high time I picked myself up and made an actual effort to improve myself. I'm not usually a person for new year's resolutions, but this year, I have actually made quite a few. Whether I'll actually achieve them all, I don't know, but I'm certainly going to try. If you're curious, then here's a list of them:
- Get fit and maybe lose a few pounds
- Be more organised
- Start learning a new language
- Seek all the mental health help I can
- Learn some new skills
Although I do consider myself to be a fairly organised person, usually in terms of cleanliness, arranging files and belongings, when it comes to planning out my day and making sure I get stuff done, well...I'm a bit slack when it comes to that. I'm a huge procrastinator, and I think it's time I stopped that bad habit. So if something needs doing on a particular day, I'm going to force myself to do it. I've even bought myself a cute little organiser to help me keep track of everything, and remind me that I have stuff to complete. I certainly need to try and be a bit more organised with my writing. When I started FanFiction again this time last year, I was pretty good at a consistent update schedule, but that's since gone extremely downhill and all over the place. So hopefully you guys will greatly benefit from this new year's resolution.
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My new organiser |
The only problem is, I don't know which language to learn. I'm torn between French and Japanese. Japanese looks the most fascinating, but also the most difficult, while French seems the most useful, but the accent looks the hardest to master. Not to mention there seems to be no rules on how to pronounce certain letters. French just seems to make it up as it goes along. But with Japanese, I'll have to learn an entirely new writing system. So I'm still deciding.
This year I also want to improve my mental health as much as I can. I know there's no cure, and that it's unlikely I'll ever feel one hundred percent normal, but I at least want to feel as better as I possibly can. I'm on the waiting list for therapy again which should hopefully help me out, but there's also this depression support group I might be joining soon. Yeah, I didn't know those were a thing either. But I'll take whatever I can get. All I know is that I'm tired of being ill.
As for learning new skills, I mainly just want to try and be more productive this year. I feel like I sit around too much, wasting my life. I want to get back into arts and crafts again, and LycoRogue's latest fanfiction, Woven Heartstrings, has really helped inspire me to pursue more of my creative hobbies. I'd love to get back into making jewellery again, I want to draw and paint more, and I want to get back into trying to learn to knit. I even wouldn't mind picking up my harmonica again occasionally, and learning how to play that again. I'm also hoping that my writing will improve more throughout this year too. I feel like it has already improved since I started writing again last year - at least I hope so anyway.
Overall, I'm hoping that this year can be a new start for me, and that I can set myself on my way to an improved version of myself. I know it's going to be tough, and that this year won't be all fun and roses, but I'm really going to put in more of an effort this year.
However, I didn't exactly get off to the best of starts. 2018 wasn't quite done tormenting yet at the beginning of this week. I broke my glasses and I have no idea how I managed to do that. Some more family drama kicked off, I injured my foot, my brother got run over (he was somehow miraculously okay), my dog injured her leg, my mum injured her hand, I ended up having a mental breakdown over some of the stupid and demanding people on FanFiction, and I somehow managed to break my brand new lava lamp. So yeah, it was like 2018 was trying to see how much more bad luck it could squeeze into its last few days.
But anyway, onto the topic of writing.
I finally finished and posted the second chapter of Chat Vert, and you can read that by clicking here. I really did not mean for that story to be neglected for way over a month. I way underestimated just how busy Twelve Days of Chatmas would keep me. But since that story is now completed, I have a ton more free time to work on my other stories again. I thought that I would start with Chat Vert first since that story had gone the longest without an update. Not to mention, since that's my less serious story, I thought it would help slowly ease myself back into writing again after my break.
Madness Within will be updated tomorrow. I changed my mind and decided that Saturday should probably be my update day, since I already have a lot going on during Fridays. I still can't believe how demanding people got with me over my slower than normal update for that story. Once again, people were just being downright rude. There was even someone who thought that I had abandoned the story. Like...what? At the time someone left that review, it had only been three weeks since my last update. If I had vanished for months on end, then yeah, I can understand someone questioning whether I'd abandoned it, but three weeks? I'd say I'm one of the fastest writers when it comes to updating on fanfiction. There are people who take months to update, so if three weeks is classed as abandoned for them, then they must think those stories are ancient relics.
Seriously guys, all it takes is a quick look at my blog, or a look at my profile, or my AO3 account to see that I am still very much active. It takes just a second to check if I'm still working or find out when the next update might be. I think that's what frustrates me so much about these situations. Especially since these people are always anonymous so I can't respond to them.
Anyway, I don't want to end up ranting about those types of readers again.
Chapter three of Destiny's Dance has now been edited and fixed on FanFiction, and is now also available on AO3, which you can read by clicking here. Chapter seven of Madness Within has also been edited on FanFiction for hopefully a less painful reading experience, and is now also available on AO3, which is available for your viewing pleasure by clicking here.
Immortal Bond is very nearly there, and I should hopefully be ready to start writing by this weekend. I think I'm going to write a good few of the chapters before I post them, just to make sure that everything is going okay, and to prevent the same mistakes from happening again. I definitely want to make sure that everything is in working order this time. The release date for the new version of Immortal Bond will probably be sometime around the end of January. At least that way, it should allow me to make sure everything is okay, get a few chapters written in advance, and allow me to get more of Chat Vert and Madness Within out of the way. When the new version is released, I will be posting a chapter on the original story to let you all know before I delete the old version. I just hope that FanFiction allows me to have two stories with the same title.
This week, I've also been working hard on finishing my theory on Lila. That post should be up on Monday 7th January, so keep your eyes out for that. I've also been working on a few other pieces of Miraculous Ladybug content for my blog, trying to get a lot of them written up in advance.
Speaking of Miraculous Ladybug, I'm dying for the second episode of season three to be released in English. Luckily, LycoRogue warned me in time that the French version was released, meaning that I managed to avoid a lot of the spoilers in time. I have now banned myself from Tumblr again until that episode is released in English. I'm slowly going crazy again though. I really wish that different dubs of the episode were released at the same time so fans don't have to worry about spoilers. But alas, it is what it is, and I guess I'll just have to keep ducking and diving around the internet until it is released. And of course, I will be doing a review of the episode as soon as I watch it. I'm so much happier with my new review format. It's more clear and concise which makes them more enjoyable to write. It no longer feels like a chore.
Anyway, I hope that you all enjoyed new year celebrations, unless you celebrate new year at a different time of course. Either way, I hope that this year brings you all plenty of good luck and happiness.
Pixie out.
Don't mind me as I tear through all of the posts I've neglected to read... I'm so sorry a whirlwind of chaos found your family as 2018 transitioned to 2019! I'm glad you're looking positively into the new year though. If it's any consolation, I think 2018 sucked for nearly everyone. I do love your resolutions, and I'll be sure to send you positive vibes your way to help you achieve them. Also, your organizer made me chuckle. "Organized Chaos" indeed. :D We can talk more about the resolutions off your blog.
ReplyDeleteI love how professional you sound as you discuss the updates of your MULTIPLE projects. Sorry you were hit with impatient people.
Alright, this is getting lengthy, so I'll just move on to your next post.
Don't worry about it. Reading your comments is always amazing and amusing, so don't mind me as I read them all and answer them.
DeleteThat's okay, and yeah I agree that it seems like 2018 has been a horrible year for most people. Awww, thank you! I really appreciate it! Yeah, the title of the organiser made me laugh too, and that's when I just knew that I had to buy it. I think that should literally just be my slogan for my life now: organised chaos. Hahaha yeah, I do try and be professional about my writing and updates. Yeah impatient people suck. I don't mind people politely asking where I am and when the next update will be (if I can reply to them), but it's when people are like "hurry up!" that I get super annoyed.
And hey, you can make comments as long as you want, I don't mind :)