If the zombie apocalypse happens anytime soon, I'd probably blend
right in. No need to worry about being eaten by the undead because I'm
already practically one of them. I just don't have an urge to consume
human flesh...yet.
Me being a zombie is pretty much my entire week in a nutshell. I can't remember the last time I felt this exhausted and tired. For the past week, I have really not been sleeping properly, like, at all. It's been hell. All my life I've been going through random periods of insomnia and it sucks. I'm super tired, but my brain just refuses to let me sleep. Yesterday night, I lay awake until the early hours of the morning, cringing as my brain reminded me of all the embarrassing things I've done throughout my life. Then I had to get up extra early because I had an important meeting I needed to get to. Then last night, I had really vivid dreams about me being in a musical, only to then wake up super early and not be able to get back to sleep.
It's really starting to take it's toll on me. When talking to my boyfriend the other day, I randomly started using German words for things without thinking. I haven't studied German for years! I have no idea where it came from. I've walked into doors, walked into walls, forgotten things...okay so I know I do these things when I'm well rested, but I've been doing these things more so than normal this week.
Even right now, I'm struggling to write this blog post because my brain keeps going completely blank.
Yesterday, I even ended up just simply passing out at one point. I just sat on my bed to check my phone and then just completely zonked out. Next thing I know, I'm waking up two hours later, glad that this didn't happen after I had put dinner in the oven.
So yeah, writing wise, things have been a bit stressful and up in the air. I'm not even going to bother trying to give you guys a rough idea of when I might update because with the way I'm feeling, I just don't know. All I can tell you is that Twelve Days of Chatmas will continue to be updated every day. I'm so glad that I got so much of that story written in advance and that the chapters are short and simple.
If you didn't already know, Twelve Days of Chatmas is my new story on FanFiction. I thought it would be a fun and cool idea, while also challenging myself. I also wrote it as a little Christmas present for my dear friends TLOS21, LycoRogue, ChibiRinni and oh-calliope. I just wanted to create them a little something to show my appreciation for them as they have been such amazing friends to me. They are literally the sweetest, most lovely people you could ever meet and the most amazing friends you could ever ask for.
The story will be updated daily up until Christmas. I was going to have the story run during the actual twelve days of Christmas, but I thought it would be better to have the chapters posted on the days leading up to Christmas, with the final chapter released on Christmas Day.
It still feels so weird that Christmas is coming soon. With each year that goes by, this time of year just seems to feel less and less magical. I miss the days when I was a kid and there was just so much excitement this time of year. I miss the anticipation. It just seems to have vanished now and the holiday season just blurs by. Granted, I still have a lot of fun during the festivities, but I've seen a lot of people complain about how dull Christmas has become. Even stores where I live don't do huge Christmas displays anymore like they used to do when I was a kid. It's a shame.
My Christmas decorations are now up, and I
thought that would help things feel more festive, but it didn't. I was a
little on the grumpy side that day since I had once again not gotten
much sleep. Inevitably, my brother and I ended up fighting over my
perfectionism. I can't help it that the sight of the same two silver
baubles being placed on branches directly next to each other makes me
want to scream.
And this was the moment where I accidentally hit publish instead of save while I was writing this entry. See? Told you I was tired. Luckily I noticed and quickly fixed that error.
But at least a few good things have come out of my tiredness and inability to write anything for my fanfictions this week. I managed to write a few pieces for my blog to hopefully keep the Miraculous Ladybug side of things going. I've decided that I am going to continue doing episode reviews since it will give me some content. I figured out why I was getting so bored and annoyed when I had to write them. I was focusing too much on trying to write out the whole plot. Why I ended up doing that, I have no idea, but with my review for the episode Chameleon, I've changed the format, and that's how my reviews will be written from now on.
My review for Mayura should be released this coming Monday, the 17th, and Chameleon will be released the Monday after, the 24th. I've also started working on a new fan theory which should be out after the New Year: is Lila a psychopath? It's something I've been thinking about for a while, and I thought it would be interesting to discuss. So yeah, keep an eye out for that. I haven't got a release date as I haven't finished working on it yet, but it will be sometime after New Year's Day.
Speaking of the holiday season, writing wise, things will probably slow down a bit (except for Twelve Days of Chatmas of course), mainly because, well, it is the holiday season. Things are going to get a bit busy what with family visits and what not. My grandma will be staying with us, and I really want to try and spend as much time with her as possible, especially since she's sick. Because of that, my mum, brother and I are going to try and make this Christmas extra special for her. We'll be spending a lot of time together, going out to dinner, that sort of thing.
Because of this, it's left me feeling super guilty about updates being slow lately. I had hoped to get the next chapter of Chat Vert out last weekend and the next chapter of Madness Within out at some point over these past few days. But nope. I just simply have not been able to concentrate at all. My eyes and head are hurting so much, and I constantly feel like I'm about to collapse. I'm going all loopy as well, and that especially won't be good for a serious story like Madness Within. I'm so scared that in my exhausted state, I'm going to end up ruining the chapters.
I'm really hoping that my brain decides to let me sleep properly again soon, because I really don't know how much longer I can go on like this. I don't know if it's down to stress, anxiety or just my brain choosing to make my life hell, but it really needs to knock it off. I want to be able to sit down and write properly, especially before later next week.
If things go well and I manage to catch up on sleep tonight, then the next chapter of Chat Vert should be out tomorrow - about a week later than originally planned. The next chapter of Madness Within should hopefully be out on Monday, and once again, Twelve Days of Chatmas will be updated every day. If I don't manage to catch up on sleep, then I have no idea what the hell is going to happen. I'm hoping that maybe I can power through, but I guess it all depends on how much sleep I get tonight. With exhausted as I'm feeling, I'm hoping my brain will finally decide to stop torturing me and actually let me drift off properly tonight.
Consequently, this means that I don't have much to talk about this week. Because all I can think about at the moment is just how tired I am. I think the last time I suffered this bad was back when I was in college. I even fell asleep in the library at one point when that was going on. My friend found me curled up on a beanbag, cuddling the book I had been reading. Good thing it wasn't a member of staff who found me. I'd been kicked out of that library so many times that finding me sleeping in a corner would probably have gotten me a life-time ban for being creepy.
Fingers crossed that these weird sleep problems end soon.
Pixie out.
Me being a zombie is pretty much my entire week in a nutshell. I can't remember the last time I felt this exhausted and tired. For the past week, I have really not been sleeping properly, like, at all. It's been hell. All my life I've been going through random periods of insomnia and it sucks. I'm super tired, but my brain just refuses to let me sleep. Yesterday night, I lay awake until the early hours of the morning, cringing as my brain reminded me of all the embarrassing things I've done throughout my life. Then I had to get up extra early because I had an important meeting I needed to get to. Then last night, I had really vivid dreams about me being in a musical, only to then wake up super early and not be able to get back to sleep.
It's really starting to take it's toll on me. When talking to my boyfriend the other day, I randomly started using German words for things without thinking. I haven't studied German for years! I have no idea where it came from. I've walked into doors, walked into walls, forgotten things...okay so I know I do these things when I'm well rested, but I've been doing these things more so than normal this week.
Even right now, I'm struggling to write this blog post because my brain keeps going completely blank.
Yesterday, I even ended up just simply passing out at one point. I just sat on my bed to check my phone and then just completely zonked out. Next thing I know, I'm waking up two hours later, glad that this didn't happen after I had put dinner in the oven.
So yeah, writing wise, things have been a bit stressful and up in the air. I'm not even going to bother trying to give you guys a rough idea of when I might update because with the way I'm feeling, I just don't know. All I can tell you is that Twelve Days of Chatmas will continue to be updated every day. I'm so glad that I got so much of that story written in advance and that the chapters are short and simple.
If you didn't already know, Twelve Days of Chatmas is my new story on FanFiction. I thought it would be a fun and cool idea, while also challenging myself. I also wrote it as a little Christmas present for my dear friends TLOS21, LycoRogue, ChibiRinni and oh-calliope. I just wanted to create them a little something to show my appreciation for them as they have been such amazing friends to me. They are literally the sweetest, most lovely people you could ever meet and the most amazing friends you could ever ask for.
The story will be updated daily up until Christmas. I was going to have the story run during the actual twelve days of Christmas, but I thought it would be better to have the chapters posted on the days leading up to Christmas, with the final chapter released on Christmas Day.
It still feels so weird that Christmas is coming soon. With each year that goes by, this time of year just seems to feel less and less magical. I miss the days when I was a kid and there was just so much excitement this time of year. I miss the anticipation. It just seems to have vanished now and the holiday season just blurs by. Granted, I still have a lot of fun during the festivities, but I've seen a lot of people complain about how dull Christmas has become. Even stores where I live don't do huge Christmas displays anymore like they used to do when I was a kid. It's a shame.
![]() |
Have a Tikki wrapped in tinsel |
And this was the moment where I accidentally hit publish instead of save while I was writing this entry. See? Told you I was tired. Luckily I noticed and quickly fixed that error.
But at least a few good things have come out of my tiredness and inability to write anything for my fanfictions this week. I managed to write a few pieces for my blog to hopefully keep the Miraculous Ladybug side of things going. I've decided that I am going to continue doing episode reviews since it will give me some content. I figured out why I was getting so bored and annoyed when I had to write them. I was focusing too much on trying to write out the whole plot. Why I ended up doing that, I have no idea, but with my review for the episode Chameleon, I've changed the format, and that's how my reviews will be written from now on.
My review for Mayura should be released this coming Monday, the 17th, and Chameleon will be released the Monday after, the 24th. I've also started working on a new fan theory which should be out after the New Year: is Lila a psychopath? It's something I've been thinking about for a while, and I thought it would be interesting to discuss. So yeah, keep an eye out for that. I haven't got a release date as I haven't finished working on it yet, but it will be sometime after New Year's Day.
Speaking of the holiday season, writing wise, things will probably slow down a bit (except for Twelve Days of Chatmas of course), mainly because, well, it is the holiday season. Things are going to get a bit busy what with family visits and what not. My grandma will be staying with us, and I really want to try and spend as much time with her as possible, especially since she's sick. Because of that, my mum, brother and I are going to try and make this Christmas extra special for her. We'll be spending a lot of time together, going out to dinner, that sort of thing.
Because of this, it's left me feeling super guilty about updates being slow lately. I had hoped to get the next chapter of Chat Vert out last weekend and the next chapter of Madness Within out at some point over these past few days. But nope. I just simply have not been able to concentrate at all. My eyes and head are hurting so much, and I constantly feel like I'm about to collapse. I'm going all loopy as well, and that especially won't be good for a serious story like Madness Within. I'm so scared that in my exhausted state, I'm going to end up ruining the chapters.
I'm really hoping that my brain decides to let me sleep properly again soon, because I really don't know how much longer I can go on like this. I don't know if it's down to stress, anxiety or just my brain choosing to make my life hell, but it really needs to knock it off. I want to be able to sit down and write properly, especially before later next week.
If things go well and I manage to catch up on sleep tonight, then the next chapter of Chat Vert should be out tomorrow - about a week later than originally planned. The next chapter of Madness Within should hopefully be out on Monday, and once again, Twelve Days of Chatmas will be updated every day. If I don't manage to catch up on sleep, then I have no idea what the hell is going to happen. I'm hoping that maybe I can power through, but I guess it all depends on how much sleep I get tonight. With exhausted as I'm feeling, I'm hoping my brain will finally decide to stop torturing me and actually let me drift off properly tonight.
Consequently, this means that I don't have much to talk about this week. Because all I can think about at the moment is just how tired I am. I think the last time I suffered this bad was back when I was in college. I even fell asleep in the library at one point when that was going on. My friend found me curled up on a beanbag, cuddling the book I had been reading. Good thing it wasn't a member of staff who found me. I'd been kicked out of that library so many times that finding me sleeping in a corner would probably have gotten me a life-time ban for being creepy.
Fingers crossed that these weird sleep problems end soon.
Pixie out.
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