Yaaaay, I'm posting on time for the first time in a while! I finally managed to organise myself much better this week...well...apart from what happened with Madness Within, but I'll get onto that in a moment.
To be honest, this week has been a bit of a blur. I've kinda been going around on autopilot because a load of drama has started happening in my life again, and when that happens, I tend to switch off. It's just become my go-to defensive mechanism at this point. So my memory of this week is a little bit on the fuzzy side.
I guess I'll start with what happened with the latest chapter of Madness Within this week.
So I did have that chapter planned to be released by Monday at the very latest. I decided to take Saturday off to relax and let my brain catch up with itself, and then on Sunday, I was out most of the day with my friend, and I was so tired when I got back, that I didn't have time to do anything. So Monday rolls around and I finally sit down to write the chapter. I already had a good chunk of it written since I had to remove a lot of it from the previous chapter as it was becoming far too long. However, in my worry about trying to squeeze everything into that chapter, I had neglected a lot of the detail. So I had to go over everything again and flesh it out some more.
However, my boyfriend then decided that he might be selling his 3DS, so being the vulture that I am, I begged him to let me have some of his Animal Crossing: New Leaf stuff before he did anything. So we then had to travel to each other's towns carrying stuff back and forth which took a few hours and before I knew it, it was too late to finish the chapter.
The next day rolled around and I was pretty confident that I was going to get the chapter finished. I was at 3000 words out of my at least 5000 word target for every chapter, so I thought finishing it would be a breeze. Because for some reason, the first three pages are always the hardest when writing a chapter for me. Once I get past that point, it's plain sailing and I can finish a chapter up pretty quickly after that. On average, it will typically take me roughly seven hours to write a chapter of Madness Within, not including the planning stages or editing. I definitely always need to spend longer working on the chapters of this story due to the complicated nature of the plot. I need to make sure that I get everything right.
However, before I knew it, it was 11:30pm and I was still not finished. Not to mention I would have to edit, and that never really goes well when I'm super tired. Then...my laptop crashed. I couldn't believe my rotten luck. I have a really terrible laptop that just doesn't cope well with the simplest of tasks, and every now and then it will do this weird thing where it freezes and makes a loud buzzing noise. I always end up having to shut it down to get it working again, but because my laptop is so slow, it takes forever to re-start and load everything back up.
As soon as that happened, I knew there was no way I would be able to finish the chapter. I'm not very patient when it comes to technology, so I was in a really bad mood the instant it crashed. I knew there was no way I would be able to concentrate, and by this time, it was nearly 1am, so I just said screw it, and went to bed.
Wednesday rolled around and I finally thought things would be smooth sailing. That I could pump out the last few thousand words no problem and leave plenty of time to edit. That's when I remembered that I was getting my haircut later that day, and I had forgotten to wash my hair. So I had to quickly dive into the shower to give my hair a chance to dry properly on time because I hate blow drying it. My hair is frizzy enough as it is without causing it to explode from the heat. Because my hair is so thick, it always takes forever to wash, so that ate into my writing time. Then I had some other work that I needed to get done, until finally, I could sit down and focus on finishing the chapter.
Concentrating was difficult, but I was finally nearly finished when...I noticed a huge continuity error.
I wanted to scream and hit myself. It was actually by pure chance that I spotted it, and I'm so glad that I did because oh boy, that would have been awkward and caused a lot of confusion. So I had to delete a huge chunk of the chapter and re-write it. Luckily though, I did manage to get it fixed and I got the chapter finished. You can now read the latest chapter by clicking here.
These past few chapters have definitely been the most frustrating to write. I have now discovered that I don't like writing from Alya's point of view. I don't know why, I just find it extremely difficult when I'm not writing in either Adrien's or Marinette's point of view. It's really weird.
But you guys seemed to really enjoy reading it. Also, thank you so much for everyone who helped me on which pronouns to use for Trixx. I was super confused. From the show, it appears that Plagg uses male pronouns, while Tikki uses female ones. I think Wayzz prefers male ones. But I was totally lost on Trixx due to the difference in voice actors between dubs. So it seems the general consensus is that Trixx uses male pronouns. Thank you to everyone who offered me advice on that! You're life savers!
Also regarding Trixx, yes, I did just say 'food' because I had no idea what food he prefers to eat, and I really wasn't in the mood to spend hours trying to guess, because it literally could be anything. But I'm glad that it got a chuckle out of some of you.
So yeah, those were the fun adventures that I had with Madness Within this week.
Going back to last weekend, remember how I was worried about playing mini-golf with my friend because of how clumsy I am? Well yeah, turns out I was right to be worried. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun and I loved the space theme that they had going on, because if you haven't guessed already, I love a good space aesthetic.
Right from the very beginning we weren't playing properly. When we'd get fed up of our very poor aim, we'd just dump our balls in the hole and say that we did it. And I just realised that this story is probably going to be full of a lot of innuendo. I have such a childish, dirty sense of humour, I'm sorry. Anyway, we weren't even keeping score either. We just had to take a guess at who was winning. We took a few selfies with some aliens and astronauts and I got a very lovely photo of a detailed butt that had been carved into the alien statue. Turns out I'm not the only one with a childish sense of humour.
It was so hot in there as well, we were both dying. It's a good job my anxiety disorder always tells me that I need to take a bottle of water with me wherever I go. I don't know why that is, but I freak out if I leave the house and don't have a bottle of water with me. So luckily we didn't die of dehydration.
We got to this one hole where we had to shoot our balls through this pyramid, and I was getting increasingly frustrated that I couldn't get my ball through the hole. Any sane person would keep calm and try and concentrate more. But not me. My logic was that if I hit it really really hard, then maybe physics would be on my side for once and my ball would magically go through the hole.
The ball ended up bouncing off the pyramid and flew through the air, bounced off the ceiling, and then nearly hit a woman who was also in the room with us. It was so embarrassing, but luckily she seemed to see the funny side. It certainly taught me a lesson about getting violent in mini-golf.
The room was black light as well, so I'd already made myself giddy with a few dirty jokes. I was kinda disappoint that the stars on my shirt weren't glowing, especially seen as my friend's jumper was glowing. Oh yeah, and I fell over a few times, but that's to be expected. I kept tripping over all of the rocks and my friend nearly accidentally destroyed one of the props when she tried to pick her coat up. We're both incredibly clumsy and I don't know why we're allowed in public together.
Also, a little kid tried to steal my ball. A bit of a bottleneck had formed, so my friend and I were waiting at the beginning of this one hole as the family in front of us were still playing on it. They had a really young son with them, maybe aged about two or three. So we were stood at the top of the ramp and I had placed my ball on the floor, ready for when we could start playing. The next thing I know, this family's young son is running up the ramp towards us, picks up my ball and then tries to run off.
Luckily my friend managed to stop him because my social anxiety kicked in and I just froze in place. However, I did quickly snap out of it and manage to get my ball back. I always get so paranoid talking to stranger's kids, because I know how highly strung some parents can be these days. They think their kids are little angels and that any stranger who needs to stop them from doing something must be evil. I've had plenty of horrible experiences with these kinds of parents, especially if I've caught their child bullying another kid. Like the time I caught this girl violently pushing my younger brother around so I simply said to her "how would you feel if someone treated you like that?" The girl's mother walked in on that moment, and apparently me saying that to her precious little girl made me the devil's spawn. I tried to explain to her that I had just caught her pushing my brother, but she was having none of it and accused me of bullying her daughter. Like...what?
Anyway, I'll stop ranting about that now. I could go on forever about that subject forever.
Despite the stress of this week, I have managed to keep myself fairly calm by doing some painting again. Oh and playing Animal Crossing of course. I've also managed to completely finish my Christmas shopping which has me feeling relaxed knowing that I don't have to rush around. It feels great to be organised.
Speaking of Christmas, I'll be putting my tree and decorations up soon which is always fun. No doubt I'll break something like I do every year. I'm probably going to drive everyone crazy because I'm such a huge perfectionist. I can't have the same baubles too close together and everything has to spread out evenly. Every decoration has to be perfectly placed. Everyone is ready to kill me within the first five minutes.
No clue why I'm like this, and I can understand why it irritates people. But if things aren't ordered properly, then it irritates me. It's not OCD, because I don't have visions of my family dying if I don't decorate things a certain way, it just annoys me because I'm a perfectionist. Though looking at some of the typos I miss in my work sometimes, you wouldn't think that was the case, would you? But I am in the process of fixing those. I've managed to fix the first chapter of Destiny's Dance, as well as the first three chapters of Madness Within. So soon there will be no more weird spellings of 'kwami' hopefully. I have no clue why that kept happening. I know how to spell kwami. I don't know if it got auto-corrected to that, or if I was just really bad at typing the word out. I haven't seemed to have a problem with it in a while, so I have no idea what was truly causing it.
Also, I can't believe that we now have the first episode of season three of Miraculous Ladybug. I was a little annoyed at how up-in-arms some the fandom got over the preview that we were given. I think a lot of people were hastily judgemental, and what do you know? The majority of conclusions that people jumped to were wrong. I was shocked at the amount of salt I was seeing just based on this one out of context clip. I must admit, I was taken aback by what I saw, but I knew that it was out of context and that I needed to wait to see how the issue was resolved before potentially getting angry about it.
I dunno, that's just my opinion though. But I was genuinely put off by the amount of negativity I was seeing as well as the amount of people who were just jumping to negative conclusions. There was so much salt on Tumblr that I needed to drink a huge glass of water after browsing it. Criticize the show for its flaws by all means, but don't jump to conclusions and get offended over an episode you haven't even seen yet just based on a small clip. I think as a fandom, we should know by now that previews that are released are often not fair or accurate representations of the episode. The episode often ends up being completely different to what was suggested in previews.
Sorry if I got a bit ranty, and I don't mean to cause any offense. It was just something I kept seeing around that irked me a bit this week.
On another note, I noticed that this week was the seven year anniversary of the creation of my fanfiction account. That feels so weird to say. It makes me feel old. It honestly feels like yesterday I made the account, but it also feels like it's been forever as well. It's difficult to describe. It also makes me wonder what my life would be like today if I never got the guts to do it. My life would probably be a lot more boring, and even more horrifically, I never would have met my boyfriend or all of my amazing friends. That's such a terrifying thought. Sometimes it shocks me just how much fanfiction of all things has changed my life so much.
Speaking of fanfiction, there should be another update for Madness Within next week, though I can't quite figure out what day that might be yet. Chat Vert will also hopefully be updated tomorrow if all goes well. Also, don't forget to keep an eye out for another new story of mine that will hopefully be released during the course of the next few days.
I've been spending most of today working on my blog seen as I feel like I've been neglecting it a bit lately, especially when it comes to my other content on here. I've been in a huge productive mood today, so I thought I would work on it. I've tidied things up a bit, especially my episode reviews. I've also been working on some fan theories and the episode reviews for Catalyst and Mayura, so make sure to keep an eye for those if that's some stuff you would like to read. I still can't decide whether or not to continue my episode reviews. Part of me wants to and part of me doesn't. I'd be grateful to hear some opinions off you guys. I'll be sure to keep you all posted on that decision.
I've also started juggling the idea of maybe creating a Taurus Pixie Twitter account. I think it might be a cool place to instantly let you guys know when I've updated, if there's going to be delays, when a new blog entry is up, and of course, discuss Miraculous Ladybug. What do you guys think? If I was to create one, would you be interested?
But for now, I hope that you all have a good week, and I'll see you all again soon.
Pixie out.
To be honest, this week has been a bit of a blur. I've kinda been going around on autopilot because a load of drama has started happening in my life again, and when that happens, I tend to switch off. It's just become my go-to defensive mechanism at this point. So my memory of this week is a little bit on the fuzzy side.
I guess I'll start with what happened with the latest chapter of Madness Within this week.
So I did have that chapter planned to be released by Monday at the very latest. I decided to take Saturday off to relax and let my brain catch up with itself, and then on Sunday, I was out most of the day with my friend, and I was so tired when I got back, that I didn't have time to do anything. So Monday rolls around and I finally sit down to write the chapter. I already had a good chunk of it written since I had to remove a lot of it from the previous chapter as it was becoming far too long. However, in my worry about trying to squeeze everything into that chapter, I had neglected a lot of the detail. So I had to go over everything again and flesh it out some more.
However, my boyfriend then decided that he might be selling his 3DS, so being the vulture that I am, I begged him to let me have some of his Animal Crossing: New Leaf stuff before he did anything. So we then had to travel to each other's towns carrying stuff back and forth which took a few hours and before I knew it, it was too late to finish the chapter.
The next day rolled around and I was pretty confident that I was going to get the chapter finished. I was at 3000 words out of my at least 5000 word target for every chapter, so I thought finishing it would be a breeze. Because for some reason, the first three pages are always the hardest when writing a chapter for me. Once I get past that point, it's plain sailing and I can finish a chapter up pretty quickly after that. On average, it will typically take me roughly seven hours to write a chapter of Madness Within, not including the planning stages or editing. I definitely always need to spend longer working on the chapters of this story due to the complicated nature of the plot. I need to make sure that I get everything right.
However, before I knew it, it was 11:30pm and I was still not finished. Not to mention I would have to edit, and that never really goes well when I'm super tired. Then...my laptop crashed. I couldn't believe my rotten luck. I have a really terrible laptop that just doesn't cope well with the simplest of tasks, and every now and then it will do this weird thing where it freezes and makes a loud buzzing noise. I always end up having to shut it down to get it working again, but because my laptop is so slow, it takes forever to re-start and load everything back up.
As soon as that happened, I knew there was no way I would be able to finish the chapter. I'm not very patient when it comes to technology, so I was in a really bad mood the instant it crashed. I knew there was no way I would be able to concentrate, and by this time, it was nearly 1am, so I just said screw it, and went to bed.
Wednesday rolled around and I finally thought things would be smooth sailing. That I could pump out the last few thousand words no problem and leave plenty of time to edit. That's when I remembered that I was getting my haircut later that day, and I had forgotten to wash my hair. So I had to quickly dive into the shower to give my hair a chance to dry properly on time because I hate blow drying it. My hair is frizzy enough as it is without causing it to explode from the heat. Because my hair is so thick, it always takes forever to wash, so that ate into my writing time. Then I had some other work that I needed to get done, until finally, I could sit down and focus on finishing the chapter.
Concentrating was difficult, but I was finally nearly finished when...I noticed a huge continuity error.
I wanted to scream and hit myself. It was actually by pure chance that I spotted it, and I'm so glad that I did because oh boy, that would have been awkward and caused a lot of confusion. So I had to delete a huge chunk of the chapter and re-write it. Luckily though, I did manage to get it fixed and I got the chapter finished. You can now read the latest chapter by clicking here.
These past few chapters have definitely been the most frustrating to write. I have now discovered that I don't like writing from Alya's point of view. I don't know why, I just find it extremely difficult when I'm not writing in either Adrien's or Marinette's point of view. It's really weird.
But you guys seemed to really enjoy reading it. Also, thank you so much for everyone who helped me on which pronouns to use for Trixx. I was super confused. From the show, it appears that Plagg uses male pronouns, while Tikki uses female ones. I think Wayzz prefers male ones. But I was totally lost on Trixx due to the difference in voice actors between dubs. So it seems the general consensus is that Trixx uses male pronouns. Thank you to everyone who offered me advice on that! You're life savers!
Also regarding Trixx, yes, I did just say 'food' because I had no idea what food he prefers to eat, and I really wasn't in the mood to spend hours trying to guess, because it literally could be anything. But I'm glad that it got a chuckle out of some of you.
So yeah, those were the fun adventures that I had with Madness Within this week.
Going back to last weekend, remember how I was worried about playing mini-golf with my friend because of how clumsy I am? Well yeah, turns out I was right to be worried. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun and I loved the space theme that they had going on, because if you haven't guessed already, I love a good space aesthetic.
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The awesome space theme. |
We got to this one hole where we had to shoot our balls through this pyramid, and I was getting increasingly frustrated that I couldn't get my ball through the hole. Any sane person would keep calm and try and concentrate more. But not me. My logic was that if I hit it really really hard, then maybe physics would be on my side for once and my ball would magically go through the hole.
The ball ended up bouncing off the pyramid and flew through the air, bounced off the ceiling, and then nearly hit a woman who was also in the room with us. It was so embarrassing, but luckily she seemed to see the funny side. It certainly taught me a lesson about getting violent in mini-golf.
The room was black light as well, so I'd already made myself giddy with a few dirty jokes. I was kinda disappoint that the stars on my shirt weren't glowing, especially seen as my friend's jumper was glowing. Oh yeah, and I fell over a few times, but that's to be expected. I kept tripping over all of the rocks and my friend nearly accidentally destroyed one of the props when she tried to pick her coat up. We're both incredibly clumsy and I don't know why we're allowed in public together.
Also, a little kid tried to steal my ball. A bit of a bottleneck had formed, so my friend and I were waiting at the beginning of this one hole as the family in front of us were still playing on it. They had a really young son with them, maybe aged about two or three. So we were stood at the top of the ramp and I had placed my ball on the floor, ready for when we could start playing. The next thing I know, this family's young son is running up the ramp towards us, picks up my ball and then tries to run off.
Luckily my friend managed to stop him because my social anxiety kicked in and I just froze in place. However, I did quickly snap out of it and manage to get my ball back. I always get so paranoid talking to stranger's kids, because I know how highly strung some parents can be these days. They think their kids are little angels and that any stranger who needs to stop them from doing something must be evil. I've had plenty of horrible experiences with these kinds of parents, especially if I've caught their child bullying another kid. Like the time I caught this girl violently pushing my younger brother around so I simply said to her "how would you feel if someone treated you like that?" The girl's mother walked in on that moment, and apparently me saying that to her precious little girl made me the devil's spawn. I tried to explain to her that I had just caught her pushing my brother, but she was having none of it and accused me of bullying her daughter. Like...what?
Anyway, I'll stop ranting about that now. I could go on forever about that subject forever.
Despite the stress of this week, I have managed to keep myself fairly calm by doing some painting again. Oh and playing Animal Crossing of course. I've also managed to completely finish my Christmas shopping which has me feeling relaxed knowing that I don't have to rush around. It feels great to be organised.
Speaking of Christmas, I'll be putting my tree and decorations up soon which is always fun. No doubt I'll break something like I do every year. I'm probably going to drive everyone crazy because I'm such a huge perfectionist. I can't have the same baubles too close together and everything has to spread out evenly. Every decoration has to be perfectly placed. Everyone is ready to kill me within the first five minutes.
No clue why I'm like this, and I can understand why it irritates people. But if things aren't ordered properly, then it irritates me. It's not OCD, because I don't have visions of my family dying if I don't decorate things a certain way, it just annoys me because I'm a perfectionist. Though looking at some of the typos I miss in my work sometimes, you wouldn't think that was the case, would you? But I am in the process of fixing those. I've managed to fix the first chapter of Destiny's Dance, as well as the first three chapters of Madness Within. So soon there will be no more weird spellings of 'kwami' hopefully. I have no clue why that kept happening. I know how to spell kwami. I don't know if it got auto-corrected to that, or if I was just really bad at typing the word out. I haven't seemed to have a problem with it in a while, so I have no idea what was truly causing it.
Also, I can't believe that we now have the first episode of season three of Miraculous Ladybug. I was a little annoyed at how up-in-arms some the fandom got over the preview that we were given. I think a lot of people were hastily judgemental, and what do you know? The majority of conclusions that people jumped to were wrong. I was shocked at the amount of salt I was seeing just based on this one out of context clip. I must admit, I was taken aback by what I saw, but I knew that it was out of context and that I needed to wait to see how the issue was resolved before potentially getting angry about it.
I dunno, that's just my opinion though. But I was genuinely put off by the amount of negativity I was seeing as well as the amount of people who were just jumping to negative conclusions. There was so much salt on Tumblr that I needed to drink a huge glass of water after browsing it. Criticize the show for its flaws by all means, but don't jump to conclusions and get offended over an episode you haven't even seen yet just based on a small clip. I think as a fandom, we should know by now that previews that are released are often not fair or accurate representations of the episode. The episode often ends up being completely different to what was suggested in previews.
Sorry if I got a bit ranty, and I don't mean to cause any offense. It was just something I kept seeing around that irked me a bit this week.
On another note, I noticed that this week was the seven year anniversary of the creation of my fanfiction account. That feels so weird to say. It makes me feel old. It honestly feels like yesterday I made the account, but it also feels like it's been forever as well. It's difficult to describe. It also makes me wonder what my life would be like today if I never got the guts to do it. My life would probably be a lot more boring, and even more horrifically, I never would have met my boyfriend or all of my amazing friends. That's such a terrifying thought. Sometimes it shocks me just how much fanfiction of all things has changed my life so much.
Speaking of fanfiction, there should be another update for Madness Within next week, though I can't quite figure out what day that might be yet. Chat Vert will also hopefully be updated tomorrow if all goes well. Also, don't forget to keep an eye out for another new story of mine that will hopefully be released during the course of the next few days.
I've been spending most of today working on my blog seen as I feel like I've been neglecting it a bit lately, especially when it comes to my other content on here. I've been in a huge productive mood today, so I thought I would work on it. I've tidied things up a bit, especially my episode reviews. I've also been working on some fan theories and the episode reviews for Catalyst and Mayura, so make sure to keep an eye for those if that's some stuff you would like to read. I still can't decide whether or not to continue my episode reviews. Part of me wants to and part of me doesn't. I'd be grateful to hear some opinions off you guys. I'll be sure to keep you all posted on that decision.
I've also started juggling the idea of maybe creating a Taurus Pixie Twitter account. I think it might be a cool place to instantly let you guys know when I've updated, if there's going to be delays, when a new blog entry is up, and of course, discuss Miraculous Ladybug. What do you guys think? If I was to create one, would you be interested?
But for now, I hope that you all have a good week, and I'll see you all again soon.
Pixie out.
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