Would you believe me if I told you that the inspiration behind this fanfiction was a joke that I made one day? It seems crazy, but yeah, that's the truth. A random joke I made inspired this whole complicated story.
One day, my boyfriend and I were watching an episode of Miraculous Ladybug together and I noticed something quite interesting about Marinette and her parents: their eye colours were all different. I checked the show's wiki and low and behold, I was right. Tom has green eyes, Sabine has grey eyes, while Marinette has blue eyes. I thought that was a little odd, so I made the joke to my boyfriend about Marinette being secretly adopted. He didn't find it that funny and rolled his eyes at my silliness like always, but it was fun to ponder.
Now don't get me wrong, I know children can have different eye colours to their parents. I'm a prime example of that fact as I'm the only person in my family that I know of who has grey eyes. Though maybe I'm secretly adopted! It would certainly explain a lot. So yeah, I know genetics can be weird like that sometimes. But it did get me thinking and wondering the 'what ifs' of Marinette possibly being secretly adopted. The ultimate cliche storyline, but hey, at least it could give Marinette an interesting backstory and plot development. Because so far, the plot mainly centres around her being Ladybug and her just being there for the ride. Whereas Adrien and his family have this secretive backstory, and Adrien is a very plot driven character. It always feels a bit unfair to me, that despite being a main character, Marinette has almost had literally no plot development so far. She's just Ladybug. That's it. At least that's my opinion anyway.
At this point, I wasn't really reading and writing fanfiction. I had considered myself officially retired from it a long time ago, so it never crossed my mind when I made that joke that I would come to write a fanfiction about it. But as the second season of the show began, I grew increasingly more obsessed. I had really enjoyed the first season, however I didn't officially class myself as obsessed yet. I was still in a bad spot depression wise which meant that I couldn't really get into my hobbies as much. But I was pretty well recovered by the time season two began.
The long periods between each new episode were driving me crazy, and my Tumblr had slowly morphed into a blog that was mainly dedicated to Miraculous Ladybug. But I needed more! Moooorreeeee! So I thought I would try reading fanfiction again. Though I was worried there wouldn't be much there seen as the show was still fairly brand new. However I was shocked at just how much content there was. I instantly began devouring all of it, reading until the early hours of the morning and hiding my phone under my desk at university, reading love square fics while I was supposed to be studying. Yeah, I had a huge problem, but I was starting to feel human again. It helped lift my depression and take me away into another world and distract me from my issues. I was finally able to get back into my hobbies again. I was interested in something again. To someone with depression, that's incredibly significant.
My imagination began to kick in again and I was coming up with my own ideas for possible fanfiction, most of it mainly centering around the joke that I had made so long ago. I began to wonder if I could go back to writing fanfiction again. Was I ready? Could I handle it? I was worried that it might interfere too much with my university work, but I needed a hobby. I knew that I certainly missed writing and I knew that I needed to try and get this obsession out of my system somehow. My brain was ready explode with ideas, so I began writing them down and joining them up. The result was Destiny's Dance. Though fun fact: the story was originally going to be called Kismet. But I thought that was probably the most cheesy, overused fanfic title ever, so I decided to change it to Destiny's Dance.
Like my other stories, I would sit at the back of class and just write notes on the plot of this story. The story was originally meant to be a lot more darker than it already is, but I decided to tone it down a bit, seen as it was the first fanfiction I had written in a while and I didn't want to exhaust myself. I was already creating an entire complicated backstory for Marinette, Gabriel and Emilie, as well as creating whole new characters, including the main villain, Nina.
Nina Couture was inspired by a mixture of things. However, she was mainly inspired by the Dark Queen from the movie Mirrormask. The obsession over her daughter, seeing her as more of an object or a pet than a human, and her constant need for control are traits that both characters share. Her ability to emotionally manipulate, the immature and unexpected temper tantrums, and the constant, insatiable desire to better herself, be better than others and seek attention had a much more...personal inspiration. Let's just say I know what it's like to have a parent who behaves that way and leave it at that.
I carefully chose the name 'Nina' due to it's many interesting meanings. Not only is it a popular name in France, but according to good old reliable Wikipedia, Nina originates from an old Slavic word meaning 'dreamer' which Nina certainly is. Apparently, Nina is also a Hindi name that means 'pretty eyes', a feature of Nina I wanted to constantly highlight.
I had no idea what powers the peacock miraculous would grant a wielder, so tried my best to make it up while still making it sound accurate. I know the powers each miraculous possess are often derived from what the animal symbolises. For example, ladybugs represent good luck and creation, therefore that's what Ladybug's powers are. According to my quick research, the peacock often represented vision, royalty, spirituality, awakening, guidance, protection, and watchfulness. It took me a while to try and figure out what possible powers I could create out of that. But I kept being drawn towards the fact that peacocks are covered in eye designs and the fact that they symbolised watchfulness and guidance. Maybe some form of control or mind manipulation, almost like a state of hypnosis because of all the eyes. Meh, it was as good a guess as any at that point.
Within a few weeks, I had my whole story planned. Now came the task of deciding whether or not I wanted to go ahead with this. I was incredibly nervous as I hadn't written fanfiction or anything in a while. I knew I would be really rusty. But I spent a few days obsessively writing the first few chapters, and I thought that seen as they were there and I had put a lot of effort into them, I might as well post them.
And so I went back on my fanfiction account for the first time in two years. It felt so weird to be back, but somehow it also felt right. I uploaded the document, created the new story and hit publish before calling it a night.
I had originally rated this story M because I was worried about the future chapters of the story being too much on the disturbing side. However, I soon moved it down to a T, thinking that I was just being paranoid. I am terrible at the rating system, never really knowing what I should class my stories as. But no one complained about the T rating being too low, so I guess I got it right.
My expectations were low. I didn't expect to get that many views and I knew I would probably be extremely lucky to even get one review.
But when I woke up the next morning and saw that people had reviewed the first chapter, I got so excited. People had actually read it? People wanted more? It gave me the confidence boost I needed to finally properly decide to get back into writing fanfiction and continue with the story.
I ended up becoming addicted to writing it. I was constantly thinking about the next chapter, making notes and typing away on my computer. Though at one point, I knew I had to start reigning myself in. As I had feared before getting into fanfiction again, my university work was starting to suffer slightly. I wasn't getting bad grades, but I could see them slipping slightly and I was often leaving assignments until the last minute because I was so obsessed with writing. I had forgotten just how much I loved it. But I knew university had to come first. Thanks to my supervisor screwing up, I had also fallen behind in my dissertation. Oh the joys of the final year of university. So I had to catch up on that.
But luckily when that was done, I could get right back to writing. Destiny's Dance really helped me to get back into writing and fanfiction again. It was thanks to this story that I became inspired with more ideas and created my other Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction. I wouldn't have made so many amazing friends if it wasn't for this. I'm glad I did take the plunge and post the story because it has helped me gain more confidence, make some friends, and allowed me to take part in a hobby that I had long neglected and given up on.
As of now, Destiny's Dance is my first completed Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction and is the longest story I have ever written. It was only originally meant to be maybe twenty to thirty chapters long. But I got really carried away and delved deeper into the mystery theme. It was exhausting work, but I'm glad that it paid off and that a lot of people seemed to have enjoyed the story. I can't thank everyone enough for their support over the months I was writing it.
If you want to read the story, you can click here, and to access my fanfiction.net profile, you can click here. This story is complete, so you don't have to worry about waiting for updates.
Pixie out.
One day, my boyfriend and I were watching an episode of Miraculous Ladybug together and I noticed something quite interesting about Marinette and her parents: their eye colours were all different. I checked the show's wiki and low and behold, I was right. Tom has green eyes, Sabine has grey eyes, while Marinette has blue eyes. I thought that was a little odd, so I made the joke to my boyfriend about Marinette being secretly adopted. He didn't find it that funny and rolled his eyes at my silliness like always, but it was fun to ponder.
Now don't get me wrong, I know children can have different eye colours to their parents. I'm a prime example of that fact as I'm the only person in my family that I know of who has grey eyes. Though maybe I'm secretly adopted! It would certainly explain a lot. So yeah, I know genetics can be weird like that sometimes. But it did get me thinking and wondering the 'what ifs' of Marinette possibly being secretly adopted. The ultimate cliche storyline, but hey, at least it could give Marinette an interesting backstory and plot development. Because so far, the plot mainly centres around her being Ladybug and her just being there for the ride. Whereas Adrien and his family have this secretive backstory, and Adrien is a very plot driven character. It always feels a bit unfair to me, that despite being a main character, Marinette has almost had literally no plot development so far. She's just Ladybug. That's it. At least that's my opinion anyway.
At this point, I wasn't really reading and writing fanfiction. I had considered myself officially retired from it a long time ago, so it never crossed my mind when I made that joke that I would come to write a fanfiction about it. But as the second season of the show began, I grew increasingly more obsessed. I had really enjoyed the first season, however I didn't officially class myself as obsessed yet. I was still in a bad spot depression wise which meant that I couldn't really get into my hobbies as much. But I was pretty well recovered by the time season two began.
The long periods between each new episode were driving me crazy, and my Tumblr had slowly morphed into a blog that was mainly dedicated to Miraculous Ladybug. But I needed more! Moooorreeeee! So I thought I would try reading fanfiction again. Though I was worried there wouldn't be much there seen as the show was still fairly brand new. However I was shocked at just how much content there was. I instantly began devouring all of it, reading until the early hours of the morning and hiding my phone under my desk at university, reading love square fics while I was supposed to be studying. Yeah, I had a huge problem, but I was starting to feel human again. It helped lift my depression and take me away into another world and distract me from my issues. I was finally able to get back into my hobbies again. I was interested in something again. To someone with depression, that's incredibly significant.
My imagination began to kick in again and I was coming up with my own ideas for possible fanfiction, most of it mainly centering around the joke that I had made so long ago. I began to wonder if I could go back to writing fanfiction again. Was I ready? Could I handle it? I was worried that it might interfere too much with my university work, but I needed a hobby. I knew that I certainly missed writing and I knew that I needed to try and get this obsession out of my system somehow. My brain was ready explode with ideas, so I began writing them down and joining them up. The result was Destiny's Dance. Though fun fact: the story was originally going to be called Kismet. But I thought that was probably the most cheesy, overused fanfic title ever, so I decided to change it to Destiny's Dance.
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My initial notes for chapter thirty-two |
Like my other stories, I would sit at the back of class and just write notes on the plot of this story. The story was originally meant to be a lot more darker than it already is, but I decided to tone it down a bit, seen as it was the first fanfiction I had written in a while and I didn't want to exhaust myself. I was already creating an entire complicated backstory for Marinette, Gabriel and Emilie, as well as creating whole new characters, including the main villain, Nina.
Nina Couture was inspired by a mixture of things. However, she was mainly inspired by the Dark Queen from the movie Mirrormask. The obsession over her daughter, seeing her as more of an object or a pet than a human, and her constant need for control are traits that both characters share. Her ability to emotionally manipulate, the immature and unexpected temper tantrums, and the constant, insatiable desire to better herself, be better than others and seek attention had a much more...personal inspiration. Let's just say I know what it's like to have a parent who behaves that way and leave it at that.
I carefully chose the name 'Nina' due to it's many interesting meanings. Not only is it a popular name in France, but according to good old reliable Wikipedia, Nina originates from an old Slavic word meaning 'dreamer' which Nina certainly is. Apparently, Nina is also a Hindi name that means 'pretty eyes', a feature of Nina I wanted to constantly highlight.
I had no idea what powers the peacock miraculous would grant a wielder, so tried my best to make it up while still making it sound accurate. I know the powers each miraculous possess are often derived from what the animal symbolises. For example, ladybugs represent good luck and creation, therefore that's what Ladybug's powers are. According to my quick research, the peacock often represented vision, royalty, spirituality, awakening, guidance, protection, and watchfulness. It took me a while to try and figure out what possible powers I could create out of that. But I kept being drawn towards the fact that peacocks are covered in eye designs and the fact that they symbolised watchfulness and guidance. Maybe some form of control or mind manipulation, almost like a state of hypnosis because of all the eyes. Meh, it was as good a guess as any at that point.
Within a few weeks, I had my whole story planned. Now came the task of deciding whether or not I wanted to go ahead with this. I was incredibly nervous as I hadn't written fanfiction or anything in a while. I knew I would be really rusty. But I spent a few days obsessively writing the first few chapters, and I thought that seen as they were there and I had put a lot of effort into them, I might as well post them.
And so I went back on my fanfiction account for the first time in two years. It felt so weird to be back, but somehow it also felt right. I uploaded the document, created the new story and hit publish before calling it a night.
I had originally rated this story M because I was worried about the future chapters of the story being too much on the disturbing side. However, I soon moved it down to a T, thinking that I was just being paranoid. I am terrible at the rating system, never really knowing what I should class my stories as. But no one complained about the T rating being too low, so I guess I got it right.
My expectations were low. I didn't expect to get that many views and I knew I would probably be extremely lucky to even get one review.
But when I woke up the next morning and saw that people had reviewed the first chapter, I got so excited. People had actually read it? People wanted more? It gave me the confidence boost I needed to finally properly decide to get back into writing fanfiction and continue with the story.
I ended up becoming addicted to writing it. I was constantly thinking about the next chapter, making notes and typing away on my computer. Though at one point, I knew I had to start reigning myself in. As I had feared before getting into fanfiction again, my university work was starting to suffer slightly. I wasn't getting bad grades, but I could see them slipping slightly and I was often leaving assignments until the last minute because I was so obsessed with writing. I had forgotten just how much I loved it. But I knew university had to come first. Thanks to my supervisor screwing up, I had also fallen behind in my dissertation. Oh the joys of the final year of university. So I had to catch up on that.
But luckily when that was done, I could get right back to writing. Destiny's Dance really helped me to get back into writing and fanfiction again. It was thanks to this story that I became inspired with more ideas and created my other Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction. I wouldn't have made so many amazing friends if it wasn't for this. I'm glad I did take the plunge and post the story because it has helped me gain more confidence, make some friends, and allowed me to take part in a hobby that I had long neglected and given up on.
As of now, Destiny's Dance is my first completed Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction and is the longest story I have ever written. It was only originally meant to be maybe twenty to thirty chapters long. But I got really carried away and delved deeper into the mystery theme. It was exhausting work, but I'm glad that it paid off and that a lot of people seemed to have enjoyed the story. I can't thank everyone enough for their support over the months I was writing it.
If you want to read the story, you can click here, and to access my fanfiction.net profile, you can click here. This story is complete, so you don't have to worry about waiting for updates.
Pixie out.
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