Pixie's Chronicle: Still Surviving

I hope I'm not tempting fate with that title. Touch wood, I'm still alive and well for now. It's just a shame that the same can't be said for a lot of people out there right now. Living through a time like this feels like a never ending nightmare. I just hope that you guys are also doing okay as well. We can make it through this, guys, we just have to keep hanging on in there. It's tough, but we can do it. We're all in this together!

Cheesy motivation aside, things feel like they are in fact getting extra tough at the moment. These past few weeks have been incredibly hard on me and on many people I know. The joy's of living in the UK; one of the hardest hit countries. Our government has essentially thrown us to the dogs. Then again, I can't even begin to imagine how it must feel to live in American right now. Why couldn't I have been born in a country that actually competently handled the virus? Hmph.

Honestly the past two weeks has just been me having a mental breakdown, so there's really nothing new to report there. I apologise for failing to try and get back into writing and updating you guys, but these past two weeks have literally been a blur, and during times like this, writing isn't exactly a top priority. We're all tired and fed up. Not to mention it feels like things are just getting worse at the moment. People seem to be taking lockdown a lot less seriously, I have my regional manager yelling at me from the safety of her home for not meeting sales targets (I kid you not), people around me are still dropping like flies, and to top it all off, I've been getting into literal fights with 'customers' (A.K.A. criminals).

Probably not the smartest idea to get into fights with gangsters, but screw it, I'm fed up of them taking advantage of this situation and getting me into trouble as a result. Most retail policies are that you should never really engage with a thief aside from maybe politely asking them to pay for the item you just witnessed them stealing, but my colleagues and I have been kinda ignoring that advice more and more. Especially since the directors refuse to do anything, and won't let us send CCTV to the police (the only way the police can actually do anything about the incidents).

So yeah, there's this one guy who keeps coming into the store and stealing really expensive medicinal and training products, and ugh I've had enough of it! He's literally coming in every day and stealing over £100s worth of stuff. My manager literally grabbed hold of and got into a physical fight with one of his gang members. Unfortunately she got away, but damn, I never knew my manager had it in her. She's so small and non-threatening.

Then again, I have no room to talk. I've literally chased one of them around and tried to tackle them to the ground. He ended up calling me a '"f*****g b***h"', which was lovely. Granted I called him a 'b*****d', but that's beside the point. He also called me a racist because I told him not to touch any of the products after coughing into his hand. Not sure how he worked that one out.

He's also threatened another one of my colleagues, scaring a customer in the process. It feels like we're at war with these guys at this point. He seems to be scared of me at this point though, because I caught him watching the place the other day, and upon seeing me glaring at him and daring him to try something, he quickly ran off and didn't bother us again for the rest of the day. Probably because I'm the one who's shown the most opposition towards him and shown that I won't put up with his crap.

You watch, I'm gonna wind up getting stabbed. *sigh*

Forget wearing masks and gloves while at work, I need a freakin' bullet proof vest at this point. It's not the virus I'm worried about, it's all the gangsters that I keep pissing off. Though maybe me getting stabbed might finally provoke the company into actually letting us work with the police. I'm happy to take one for the team. Though preferably not before Tuesday, since that's my birthday.

Yup, it's my birthday in a few days. 23-years-old. It really doesn't feel like it though. I think I stopped maturing once I reached the age of 10. Plus the current world situation makes you forget about things like birthdays and all that. We're all so busy trying to survive and help people that all that stuff seems super trivial. Not that I'm someone who hardcore celebrates my birthday anyway. I just like to chill with some takeout and a movie. That's all I need.

This coming week I'm going to be extra busy since my manager is taking some much needed time off. Which means I'm looking after the place, yaaaaaay! You all know how much I love doing that. Especially since everything always goes wrong when I'm in charge. Thinking of the money doesn't even help at this point. But luckily, I'll have my own week off soon. That'll be some much needed re-charging and writing time. I miss writing so much! I'm starting to forget what my stories look like at this point. Is Madness Within the one with the demon Chat Noir, or am I thinking of Chat Vert?

Speaking of Madness Within, my playlist for that story has now been uploaded onto my blog, so if you want to check that out, then click here. Music is always such a huge inspiration for me, so I thought that I would share it with you guys. Having music and lyrics to go along with a story can sometimes help bring it more to life, or create new depths to certain plot elements. Plus it might even provide you with some foreshadowing of what's to come.

But anyway, I just once again wanted to let you guys know that I'm okay. I hope that you all are too, and if you ever need to talk, you know where I am. I just might not be the fastest at replying at the moment due to how busy I am with work. Please remember to stay at home unless you do need to leave for something essential. In times like these, we can't afford to be selfish. We've got to think about how our actions could effect other people.

Stay safe, guys.


  1. Wish I was born in competent country as well. Nope! People here are having protests and wanting to open the state back up. Hell they started to open beaches back up. Our unemployment system is a joke, and the "stimulus" check barely did anything. On the plus side crime is waaay down.

    Have you thought about getting some plants to help with your stress? I've been doing a lot of gardening and it's been doing wonders for my stress levels. Plus getting the kids involved gives them something to do.

    I think Madness Within was the one where they cat does the thing, then blows up the other thing, then sleeps for 16hrs. Because cat.

    Happy birthday! Only 23? I thought you were older than that for some age lol. 23 is such an awkward age. You're still considered a young adult, and yet if you hangout with an 18yr old you're like, holy shit I feel old. It's ok, you're now 1 yr closer to senior discounts!

    Sending good vibes your way!

    1. There's always at least one silver lining lol. Our system is a joke too, but at least ours in the UK is better than yours in the US - no offence. I have actually thought about that. I have one aloe vera plant and that's it. But I have thought about getting more. I love gardening too! Wanna adopt me?

      Ah yeah, that's the one!

      Bahahaha! I get that a lot. When people hear me talk or read my stuff, they often think I'm older than I am. Yet when they see me in real life, they think I'm waaaaaay younger. I look about 15 or something. Though I may even look younger since someone asked me for ID when trying to buy a PG rated movie. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  2. Happy belated. I'm with kidakame, I keep forgetting you're only in your early 20s! What a life you live! I'll admit I don't envy it, but, boy-howdy, if you ever decide to write your memoirs you'll have plenty to say!

    I'm so sorry you are in such a dangerous environment, but I did have a small chuckle at the idea of you scaring someone off with your aggressiveness. You're like those little lap dogs that are secretly more threatening than the lumbering rottweiler in the corner. I do hope you stay safe and all of this blows over; that they were going after your store because they thought it was easy pickings. Maybe this is the one case that those 90s After School PSAs were right about "bullies are secretly cowards, and you just need to stand up to them."

    Anyway, don't worry about the writing if you have other priorities. I haven't been inspired to even come up with a narrative sentence in over a month now. So you're not alone. If, on the other hand, your writing has been stinted because of lack of time, and you are chopping at the bit for that week of free time (I'm so happy for you about that, BTW, my husband is still working 6 day weeks), then I am excited that you can finally return to your craft. :D

    Best to you.

    1. Lol 23 going on 50 in experience. Bahaha, very true. When I've been telling my therapist stuff so she could establish my life story, let's just say that she was taken aback. Same reaction when she saw my family tree as well. Boy, that thing is more like a jungle than a single tree.

      Meh, don't worry about it. It's what I've grown up in and I'm used to it. Ahahahaha, that made me laugh! I've learnt that standing up to bullies is actually quite fun, especially when you learn not to give a shit about what they say to you.

      Yeah, a worldwide pandemic can really suck the inspiration out of you, can't it? Yeesh, I feel super sorry for your husband. Luckily I haven't worked a 6 day week in a while now. I hope that he's coping ok. I always reassures me when I see his name pop up on Animal Crossing because that means he at least has a tiny bit of free time if nothing else.

      Best to you too!


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